What’s the Best Eye Vitamin For Macular Degeneration?

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whats the best eye vitamin for macular degeneration

As sensory organs, eyes require specific nutrients in order to function optimally. Studies indicate that eating well may help delay macular degeneration.

Lutein and zeaxanthin found in AREDS 2 formula have been shown to effectively slow the progression of macular degeneration. Sources include leafy green vegetables like kale, spinach and collards as well as oranges, berries squash and eggs.


Lutein is an antioxidant carotenoid that gives vegetables their characteristic deep green hue, as well as being concentrated in the retina of our eyes (where it’s known as macular pigment). Lutein works together with zeaxanthin to form the macular pigment, filtering out harmful UV blue light emissions from sunlight while protecting the retina from damage.

Research has demonstrated the beneficial properties of lutein and zeaxanthin as antioxidants that may lower risk for cataracts and age-related macular degeneration, and reduce UVB-induced retinal damage. As such, the National Eye Institute added these nutrients to its AREDS formulation, which includes more vitamins C and E than most multivitamins offer.

The AOSTEM study is recruiting healthy adults 60 and older for participation in its randomized trial to see whether supplementing with antioxidants will help slow vision loss and advance macular degeneration (AMD). Participants will undergo eye exams, blood sampling collection, visual field tests and flicker photometry measurements during this randomized trial period.

The AOSTEM study is actively enrolling patients at several sites across the U.S. You can gain more information and apply to participate by visiting www.aostem-study.org, where there is also an FAQs page with answers to common queries about the trial. Even those not eligible can still take steps towards eye health by attending regular, periodic dilated exams and maintaining a balanced diet.


Zeaxanthin, often referred to as the “eye vitamin”, is one of the most vital antioxidants for eye health and has long been recognized for its benefits. You can find this nutrient in food such as kale, spinach and other dark green leafy vegetables; or take supplements. Zeaxanthin has been proven to protect eyes from age-related macular degeneration as well as cataracts reduction, improving vision quality and even lower the risk of some cancers, possibly by absorbing UV rays and decreasing oxidative damage in skin cells.

Studies have demonstrated that diets rich in lutein, zeaxanthin, and omega-3 fatty acids such as fish oil or docosahexanoic acid (DHA) can slow macular degeneration progression while potentially decreasing cataract formation risk in smokers. Furthermore, these nutrients may even protect against developing cataracts altogether.

Studies conducted recently revealed that taking a combination of lutein, zeaxanthin and meso-zeaxanthin produced a 32% higher increase in macular pigment than just taking either one separately. Meso-Z Vision is an all-natural plant pigment which works collaboratively with both lutein and zeaxanthin to support macular health. Studies also indicate taking these plant pigments can significantly decrease cataract development – likely because their actions work in sync within the eye instead of against each other – while smokers who took these supplements also had reduced risks associated with AMD development by 25% or more than usual.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential to eye health, found in every cell membrane of your body including those found in your eyes and brain. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), in particular, has been proven to help reduce age-related macular degeneration, dry eyes and glaucoma in studies conducted. Because your body cannot produce DHA itself it must come from your diet: fish like salmon, trout and mackerel as well as leafy greens, walnuts and pistachios contain omega-3s as an essential element.

Vitamin A (retinol) is an antioxidant that provides protection from night blindness and dry eyes, and maintains retinal health, which controls color vision and detail perception. You can find this nutrient in beef liver, cod liver oil, egg yolks and milk products; other sources include beef liver, chicken livers, cod liver oil, egg yolks and milk products. Citrus fruits such as strawberries and kale provide natural sources of Vitamin C antioxidants which may also reduce cataract risks as well as macular degeneration; while avocados nuts and vegetable oils contain powerful potent antioxidants to slow macular degeneration progression further – you’ll find these powerful substances!

Lutein and zeaxanthin belong to the same family of carotenoids as beta-carotene, yet are believed to be more effective since they’re naturally produced by your retina. You’ll find them in foods such as eggs, spinach and kale; recent AREDS2 studies have discovered that an intake of both of these nutrients with Omega-3 fatty acids may lower risk for advanced macular degeneration.

Vitamin C

An eye-healthy diet can help slow or prevent the progression of AMD. Such nutrients are found in many food items such as leafy green vegetables like spinach and kale; dark, orange and yellow fruits such as sweet peppers and carrots; fish (particularly salmon, trout, mackerel); eggs; liver; and nuts.

In the 10-year Age Related Eye Disease Study (AREDS), it was shown that taking a supplement including vitamins A, C and E as well as zinc, plus lutein and zeaxanthin helped slow down macular degeneration development. Ocuvite PreserVision contains this formulation and it’s often prescribed by physicians.

Vitamin A helps the eyes adjust to light changes by activating rhodopsin, which allows us to see in low light conditions. Without sufficient vitamin A intake, night blindness and dry eyes may result. Sources of this essential nutrient include carrots, sweet potatoes, squash; apricots; spinach; and kale.

The National Eye Institute recommends adults consume at least 900 micrograms (mcg) of Vitamin C each day as an antioxidant to protect the retina and lower risks associated with cataracts, macular degeneration and glaucoma. Furthermore, Vitamin C also aids in maintaining eye lens and cornea health as well as other eye tissues. Citrus fruits; berries; kiwifruit; broccoli, tomatoes and green peppers contain high concentrations of this nutrient, while supplements containing Vitamin C are widely available. Vitamin E also protects against eye diseases while simultaneously slowing progression associated with AMD when combined with carotenoids and Vitamin A– you can obtain this nutrient in foods such as nuts seeds; or fortified cereals.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is one of the essential eye vitamins, providing protection from free radicals that may damage retina. It can be found in numerous foods like leafy green vegetables (such as spinach and kale), nuts (especially almonds) and eggs. Furthermore, Vitamin E works in tandem with vitamin C to assist your body’s absorption of beta-carotene which is crucial to eye health.

While eye care professionals may tell patients they cannot prevent age-related macular degeneration, new research demonstrates a link between diet and the risk of these eye diseases and progression. Antioxidants, vitamins and minerals have all been proven to lower this risk and even slow them down over time.

The best eye vitamin for macular degeneration is a combination of vitamins A, C and E as well as lutein and zeaxanthin. Studies have demonstrated that these nutrients can reduce risk of advanced macular degeneration and cataracts. You can get all these essential nutrients through eating healthily; aim to get at least the Recommended Daily Amount (RDA) from whole natural foods such as whole grain cereals. If supplementation may be necessary due to nutritional gaps in diet alone, speak to your physician about taking Ocuvite Lutein which offers 6 mg lutein as well as antioxidant vitamins C & E plus essential fatty acids EPA/DHA!


Age related macular degeneration (AMD) is one of the leading causes of irreversible blindness among those aged 50 or over, primarily manifested through two forms: dry macular degeneration where deposits under the retina called drusen accumulate; or wet AMD where abnormal blood vessels form and leak underneath the macula causing it to bleed – with wet AMD being more serious and its risk increasing dramatically as one ages.

Diets that include nutritious ingredients can reduce the risk of eye disease and promote overall good health. Studies have linked eye-friendly nutrients, such as lutein and zeaxanthin, vitamins C and E and zinc with decreasing advanced AMD, cataracts and other serious eye conditions.

Diets that include green leafy vegetables, fruits and nuts as well as supplements may provide sufficient eye nutrients. Supplements may also prove useful in supporting eye health.

Addition of antioxidants such as those found in AREDS 2 can be an effective way of preventing and delaying macular degeneration. ProMed Eye Health’s MACULA 2 ESSENTIALS formulation was specifically created to meet and surpass the standards and findings of the AREDS study (view its results here). It contains high doses of lutein along with vitamins C and E as well as zinc mineral essential for eye health; additionally copper as cupric oxide helps avoid potential deficiencies from an increased zinc intake.

About the Author:
Picture of Alexander Suprun

Alexander Suprun

Alex started his first web marketing campaign in 1997 and continues harvesting this fruitful field today. He helped many startups and well-established companies to grow to the next level by applying innovative inbound marketing strategies. For the past 26 years, Alex has served over a hundred clients worldwide in all aspects of digital marketing and communications. Additionally, Alex is an expert researcher in healthcare, vision, macular degeneration, natural therapy, and microcurrent devices. His passion lies in developing medical devices to combat various ailments, showcasing his commitment to innovation in healthcare.


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