Video Eye Video Magnification System

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Video Eye Video Magnification System – Low Vision Device A video eye video magnification system is a low vision device that electronically captures and displays information onto a monitor, which enables you to perform tasks such as reading and writing as well as hobbies like model building and needlepoint more easily. This device may assist in helping individuals perform these activities more successfully.

JORDY is a wearable device designed to help users read, write, connect to the computer and observe themselves more efficiently. Based on Robert Massof’s original Low Vision Enhancement System (LVES) developed 25 years ago.

Optical devices or aids

There are various optical devices designed to aid people living with low vision. These can help individuals perform daily tasks from reading and writing to playing computer games or using the computer, helping them maintain independence. Some devices can be costly; they may be covered by insurance plans; community service organizations may also sell them. It is important that before purchasing an optical device it be tailored according to both budget and needs before committing.

Traditional optical magnifiers use cameras to capture objects at a distance and display them on a screen, with options for either fixed or portable usage. They offer various magnification levels. Electronic magnifiers can be an ideal solution for individuals who require long-distance viewing of items like chalkboards in classrooms and menus at restaurants; however, they’re less suited for tasks that require close-up work such as writing checks or doing handwork. CCTV (closed circuit television) magnifiers are ideal for these tasks. Offering real time video magnification that is easily controlled from a monitor, allowing the user to customize focus, magnification, screen preferences settings as well as needlepoint or model building/painting hobbies.

Optometrists now have access to cutting-edge technology tools that allow them to assist their patients live more independently, such as autofocused telescopic devices, portable electronic magnifiers and wearable devices. Apps and built-in smartphone and tablet accessibility options also make integrating assistive technologies more seamlessly into patients’ lives.

An Augmented Reality device called Eye-01 can greatly assist older adults suffering mild vision loss from Age-Related Macular Degeneration to read small print and perform task-based functional activity more efficiently. By combining a head-mounted camera with mobile application, this portable device significantly enhanced access and reading of small print at all viewing distances, when compared with spectacles alone; further TIADL tasks were completed more quickly – such as utility bill search or can label identification in grocery stores.

CCTV magnifiers

Video magnifiers are tools designed to aid those with low vision in reading and engaging with daily activities. They are widely used in educational environments, workplaces and homes as assistive technology devices for individuals with visual impairments. Video magnifiers have evolved over time with advanced features such as touchscreens and OCR (optical character recognition) capabilities making them user-friendly and versatile devices; some even come equipped with connectivity options so users can capture digital content.

CCTVs are electronic magnifiers that project an electronically magnified image onto any monitor screen – from smartphones to televisions – using zoom technology, lighting effects, color contrast modes and portable design. Their various features – zoom capabilities, lighting effects, color/contrast modes etc – enable users to take them from place to place with ease; some models even feature multiple lenses that can be adjusted individually according to individual needs and preferences.

There is a wide variety of CCTVs on the market, from basic desktop models to high-end HDTV-sized units. Most CCTVs include a camera, mount arm for steady hands-free positioning, monitor/screen and viewing platform; with magnification from 2-50 times. Some even feature self-view modes that act like HD mirrors for beauty grooming or makeup applications.

Researchers recently conducted an in-depth investigation on the performance of traditional CCTV magnifiers and head-mounted displays for use by low vision adults, specifically to find optimal display settings to increase reading rates. Their investigation showed that optimal magnification settings varied depending on subject; certain subjects performed better with smaller field widths while others achieved more success by having larger ones.

Handheld video magnifiers provide an easy and effective solution when vision impairment prevents you from reading or viewing photos properly. Before purchasing one, be sure to seek the advice of peers or vision specialists in order to select an adapted model to meet both your specific needs and lifestyle preferences.


The LVES headset combines a smartphone and virtual projection screen to magnify its user’s environment, giving those with low vision access to an equivalent magnification as that seen on a television four feet away. Developed through nearly a decade of cooperation among Stennis Space Center, Wilmer Eye Institute of Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions and Visionics Corporation using NASA technology developed for computer processing of satellite images for satellite image enhancement purposes – it uses this information to modify what users see displayed on their headsets.

Video magnifiers can be extremely beneficial to those living with low vision, particularly those suffering from cataracts. Cataracts are one of the leading causes of blindness and can impair both near and distance vision. Unfortunately, most assistive devices only cater for either near-sighted reading or distant-sighted reading; the LVES device aims to offer both types of text at manageable magnification levels.

The Low Vision Enhancing Screener (LVES) was designed to enable those with low vision to enjoy an array of activities, from watching television shows and movies, playing video games, shopping for goods online and attending social events to participating in social activities like watching the Olympics on TV and movies, playing cards games or attending social gatherings. It’s an especially good solution for people living with albinism who struggle with light absorption resulting in sunburn or skin cancer risk; furthermore its small portable size means it can easily be combined with other assistive devices like braille displays or braille displays for even further help!

LVES can also be an invaluable asset for outdoor sports enthusiasts who enjoy fishing or hunting, providing them with a device to pursue their hobbies without incurring unnecessary expenses for work or school. Although LVES costs about $2,500 per unit, IrisVision makes them readily available and tailors them specifically to each patient’s individual needs.

LVES is an exciting new technology that combines head-mounted displays with digital zoom and image enhancement features to provide low vision patients with improved quality of life, much like virtual reality headsets seen in science fiction movies. Although LVES may eventually become widespread availability, it will take time to become widely accessible.


JORDY is a portable full-color system that helps those with low vision see near and distant objects more clearly. Using a camera to capture images and a small display screen to show them to the user, lighting and contrast settings can be easily adjusted as well as recorded events shared with others. Plus it boasts superior ergonomics compared to bulkier loupes which may prove cumbersome or cumbersome in use for some users.

The device can be used for various tasks and hobbies such as watching television shows and sports events, or bird-watching. It is suitable for adults and children suffering from age-related macular degeneration, glaucoma or other forms of vision loss due to age; battery power allows it to be worn like glasses or placed on a desktop stand for use.

It offers various controls, such as a power switch (107) and adjustment buttons (108,109). Its camera can be activated either with or without LED illumination and various magnification settings may be chosen by the user. An onboard recording button records what users are viewing while its inlet/outlet (112) enables external storage or export for third-party use.

Users can navigate this device using an intuitive graphical user interface displayed on-screen. Remote or manual operation options are available, as well as computerized rotational head impulse tests (crHITs) designed to assess vestibular disorders among those suffering from balance problems.

When used with a smartphone, this device allows its user to experience their surroundings in augmented reality. The app offers many customization options for the user such as changing object color or text size; those who are visually impaired may access additional features like speech synthesizer which pronounce words and phrases out loud; free download available for iPhone, iPad and Android devices with new version due out later this year that includes video recording capabilities and image stabilization features.

About the Author:
Picture of Alexander Suprun

Alexander Suprun

Alex started his first web marketing campaign in 1997 and continues harvesting this fruitful field today. He helped many startups and well-established companies to grow to the next level by applying innovative inbound marketing strategies. For the past 26 years, Alex has served over a hundred clients worldwide in all aspects of digital marketing and communications. Additionally, Alex is an expert researcher in healthcare, vision, macular degeneration, natural therapy, and microcurrent devices. His passion lies in developing medical devices to combat various ailments, showcasing his commitment to innovation in healthcare.


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