Treatment Options For Wet Macular Degeneration

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treatment options for wet macular degeneration

Wet macular degeneration (AMD / ARMD), unlike dry AMD, results in vision loss caused by blood and fluid leakage from abnormal new blood vessels located under the retina causing hemorrhaging and fluid leakage resulting in blind spots on both eyes. This condition is known as neovascular macular degeneration or exudative macular degeneration.

Treatment options for wet AMD include medication, laser therapies and photodynamic therapy – none of which treat its root cause, however.

Anti-VEGF Injections

Anti-VEGF injections are the mainstay treatment of wet macular degeneration. They work by blocking new abnormal blood vessels (choroidal neovascularization), which leak fluid into the retina and lead to scarring and vision loss. Treatment usually requires monthly injections of small doses of medication into each eye – a procedure which may seem daunting at first but typically proves much less painful than anticipated.

New research indicates that patients receiving anti-VEGF injections more frequently may be at greater risk of glaucoma than those receiving them less frequently, particularly older adults with preexisting risk factors such as previous cataract surgery or presence of reticular pseudodrusen. Researchers emphasize this does not establish causality, only association.

Anti-VEGF treatments may lead to an increase in intraocular pressure that could be dangerous for some patients suffering from glaucoma. Therefore, it’s crucial that anti-VEGF injection courses be monitored closely as well as their effect on IOP levels and optic nerve health throughout treatment courses.

Susvimo is an innovative port-delivery system developed specifically to treat neovascular age-related macular degeneration that releases ranibizumab over a full year, according to FDA approval. This procedure offers more convenience and stable dosing of medication for improved visual outcomes.

Monitoring for activity is an integral component of treatment, so patients must visit our office on an ongoing basis for eye exams. If blood, fluid or active choroidal neovascularization are detected on clinical examination, fluorescein angiogram or optical coherence tomography studies in the macula region, then patients must return for another injection injection session.

Signature Retina Consultants recommends eating foods high in antioxidant vitamins and nutrients in addition to traditional treatments, which may help slow the progress of wet macular degeneration as well as protect against other eye conditions like cataracts and glaucoma.

Photodynamic Therapy

When suffering from wet macular degeneration, abnormal blood vessels form beneath the retina and leak fluid, damaging photoreceptors and leading to central vision loss as well as blind spots. This type of macular degeneration is more severe than dry age-related macular degeneration and may even result in rapid or permanent vision loss. Your eye doctor can detect wet macular degeneration during a dilated eye exam and provide treatment options if applicable.

One approach is to inject anti-VEGF medication directly into the eye. These anti-VEGF treatments prevent new blood vessel formation and leakage that leads to wet macular degeneration; you may require monthly injections.

Photodynamic therapy (PDT) may also be an option, which uses a combination of light-sensitive verteporfin drug and low energy laser to stop abnormal new blood vessel growth. First the drug is injected directly into your eye; then later laser is used to target any new vessels that appear.

Genentech’s Susvimo implant from Genentech provides the same medication used in anti-VEGF injections but at reduced frequency: once every six months instead of monthly treatments. The FDA recently granted this new form of anti-VEGF medication a go ahead for wet AMD.

This innovation in treating wet macular degeneration represents an extraordinary breakthrough, as it extends the intervals between treatments from 6 months to 12 months compared with aflibercept and ranibizumab.

Not all patients with wet macular degeneration will respond favorably to available treatments, so it is vitally important that you visit with your eye care provider regularly and report any changes in vision. Furthermore, annual dilated eye exams allow doctors to detect changes as early as possible and initiate an appropriate treatment plan for you.

Laser Surgery

Laser surgery uses a powerful and precise light beam to destroy abnormal blood vessels that form in wet macular degeneration. Your eye doctor will inject anti-angiogenic drugs beforehand in order to stop new vessels from growing and leakage from existing ones causing vision loss in wet ARMD, before shining a laser light that activates through these medications and destroys abnormal vessels; you must receive this type of AMD treatment regularly in order for this strategy to work effectively.

Wet macular degeneration (also referred to as Neovascular AMD) is the more severe form of age-related macular degeneration, occurring when abnormal blood vessels form beneath the retina of an eye and leak fluid into photoreceptors in the macula, damaging photoreceptors and leading to blurry central vision and difficulty seeing straight lines, faces or colors. Wet macular degeneration typically develops following dry ARMD but often progresses more quickly.

Leakage of blood and fluid into the macula can lead to central vision becoming blurry or dark, hindering your ability to drive, read, or perform other tasks that require fine central vision. If you notice symptoms of wet ARMD it’s essential that you see an eye doctor immediately for evaluation and treatment.

Anti-VEGF therapy, the sole wet AMD treatment currently approved by the FDA, may be necessary. Genentech’s Susvimo was recently granted approval and can provide as few as two injections a month, thus decreasing treatment visits and saving you time and effort in overall cost of care.

Laser surgery using advanced photocoagulation technology may also provide long-term vision improvement benefits. Photocoagulation uses laser beams to create grids of fluid that restrict how it flows from retinal blood vessels into macular areas. Although it takes more time than other procedures, photocoagulation could offer long-term benefits to your vision.


ARMD is a retinal disease marked by degeneration of the macula, the central region that gives patients their central vision and allows them to see straight ahead, faces, colors and fine details such as colors and shapes. As this progresses, patients may notice their central or overall vision worsen, difficulty adapting to low light levels as well as facial or color recognition loss or blurry or hazy vision resulting from low light conditions; some even experience blind spots within their central visual field.

No cure exists for dry AMD; however there are ways in which patients can slow the progression of symptoms and keep it from progressing into wet macular degeneration. Supplementing with antioxidants and zinc can reduce your risk. Furthermore, regular eye examinations with an ophthalmologist will allow him or her to keep track of changes to your vision that may arise and detect them immediately.

Wet macular degeneration occurs when abnormal blood vessels growing under the retina leak blood and fluid, causing maculae to lift from their normal positions and distort central vision distortions. Left untreated, wet AMD can quickly lead to severe loss of vision.

Treatment options exist for wet macular degeneration, including anti-vascular endothelial growth factor injections and laser surgery. Photodynamic therapy has recently become an option to slow the progression of wet AMD by inhibiting VEGF production; by providing photosensitive drugs like verteporfin followed by laser therapy treatments this procedure may even help slow its progress and even help improve vision in some patients.

Macular degeneration can be best protected against by maintaining a healthy diet and regular physical activity, in conjunction with regular eye examinations from an ophthalmologist who can detect any changes to your vision and offer advice to either slow or stop further progression of symptoms.

About the Author:
Picture of Alexander Suprun

Alexander Suprun

Alex started his first web marketing campaign in 1997 and continues harvesting this fruitful field today. He helped many startups and well-established companies to grow to the next level by applying innovative inbound marketing strategies. For the past 26 years, Alex has served over a hundred clients worldwide in all aspects of digital marketing and communications. Additionally, Alex is an expert researcher in healthcare, vision, macular degeneration, natural therapy, and microcurrent devices. His passion lies in developing medical devices to combat various ailments, showcasing his commitment to innovation in healthcare.


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