Treatment For AMD Can Slow Vision Loss and Improve It

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treatment for amd eye disease

Treatment for AMD can slow vision loss significantly and even help restore it in some cases. Diets rich in zinc and antioxidants may reduce your risk of advanced AMD.

AMD typically occurs as dry AMD, which develops slowly over time and results in blurry or distorted central vision. A less prevalent wet form occurs when abnormal blood vessels proliferate under the retina and leak fluid onto it causing irreparable vision damage.

Anti-VEGF Injections

At present, there is no cure for wet AMD; however, it can be prevented from progressing further by blocking VEGF, the protein responsible for abnormal blood vessel formation in the retina that leak fluid. Patients suffering from wet AMD require monthly or bimonthly injections of anti-VEGF medication in order to reduce fluid buildup and stave off further vision loss; however, visiting an eye doctor regularly for this injection can become an obstacle to patient compliance and lead to missed treatments or worsening vision loss.

Researchers are exploring alternatives to anti-VEGF injections as a treatment option for people suffering from neovascular age-related macular degeneration. Genentech’s Susvimo port-delivery system, for instance, employs an implantable reservoir which slowly releases medication over time – this would allow physicians to refill it more frequently without needing to withdraw and inject another reservoir, potentially decreasing treatment sessions overall.

Sodhi’s team conducted a proof-of-concept study that involved studying eye fluid from 122 patients with wet AMD. They searched for evidence of elevated apolipoprotein B100 levels in their retinas; tests on mice indicated this protein’s importance in stopping abnormal blood vessel growth that causes wet AMD, as well as lessened fluid buildup that characterizes it.

Sodhi believes this research suggests apolipoprotein B100 may serve as a biomarker to predict which patients would most benefit from paused anti-VEGF therapy, however more randomized clinical trials in large groups with wet AMD are necessary before these findings can be applied to determine if discontinuing injections is safe and effective.

There are various other treatments for wet AMD, such as laser surgery that uses light waves to illuminate the retina to destroy abnormal blood vessels and slow their leakage. There are different kinds of laser surgeries that doctors will consult their patients about to find the most appropriate option.

Laser Surgery

The retina is a light-sensitive layer at the back of your eye that converts images into electrical signals that travel back to your brain. At its center is called the macula, providing detailed vision in the center of your visual field. AMD may damage this macula and lead to blurriness or blind spots appearing at random locations across your visual field; you may also experience wavy lines or straight lines which seem bent, difficulty reading or driving, difficulty distinguishing colors or difficulty distinguishing font sizes and styles. Your doctor can diagnose dry or wet AMD by examining your eyes and may recommend taking vitamins and minerals supplements to slow its progress further.

Wet AMD occurs when abnormal blood vessels form and leak fluid underneath the retina, causing macular elevation and rapid vision loss. Your doctor can treat wet AMD by performing laser surgery to destroy new blood vessels that form. Regular follow up visits must also be scheduled with your eye care provider.

Your eye care provider will use drops to dilate (enlarge) your eye. They then use a tool called a slit lamp to direct a laser beam at new blood vessels that have sprouted within your eye; it will burn and seal these abnormal vessels within minutes. All this takes place quickly in their office environment.

Scientists at the University of Melbourne in Australia discovered that laser treatments could cause abnormal blood vessels to stop growing and leaking fluid, slowing the progression of wet AMD, improving vision, and slowing further progression into advanced AMD. It has proven highly successful at slowing wet AMD development while improving vision; and hopefully could be applied to treat other eye diseases as well. It was successful enough in slowing wet AMD development while improving vision; hopefully this technique may be used against other types of eye disease as well. To test its efficacy further, multi-center clinical trial Complications of Age-Related Macular Degeneration Prevention Trial (CAPT) will test if early prophylactic laser photocoagulation can prevent advanced AMD progression leading to permanent vision loss by early prophylactic laser photocoagulation treatments (shock therapy).

Dietary Supplements

Many individuals with age-related macular degeneration can benefit from taking specific vitamins and minerals in combination. Such nutritional supplements have been shown to slow vision loss caused by macular degeneration in its early stages. It’s important to keep in mind that these nutritional supplements shouldn’t be seen as a cure; rather they should continue following a healthy diet consisting of greens, yellow, orange and dark fruits and vegetables along with high quantities of healthy proteins like fish.

Macular degeneration occurs when deposits form under the retina (the layer of nerve cells in the back of your eye that sends light signals to your brain about what you see), known as drusen, and these deposits cause central vision loss. Wet macular degeneration can quickly lead to serious vision impairment due to abnormal blood vessels leaking fluid beneath the retina, damaging its macula in an instantaneous fashion.

There is no cure for dry macular degeneration; however, patients may be able to delay vision loss by taking certain vitamins and minerals. Your ophthalmologist will assess whether you’re at risk for advanced AMD development and determine which supplements would work best for you.

Research has demonstrated the potential benefit of supplementing with antioxidant vitamins (such as Vitamin C, beta-carotene and Vitamin E) and omega-3 fatty acids to decrease risk of advanced AMD. The National Eye Institute conducted its own follow up clinical trial called the Age-Related Eye Disease Study 2 or AREDS2 that demonstrated adding two additional nutrients lutein and zeaxanthin to an existing formulation lowered progression to advanced AMD by nearly 30%.

Your body can easily get these vital nutrients by eating a varied selection of whole foods. Spinach, kale, collard greens, broccoli, peas, squash and berries are great sources of these vital vitamins. Zinc may help slow the progression of disease progression; you can find it in meats, eggs, dairy products, fortified cereals and whole grains as sources. Supplementation should always be discussed with both an ophthalmologist and primary care doctor to make sure any risks of other health issues do not emerge.

Lifestyle Changes

AMD may be incurable, but early diagnosis and treatment can dramatically slow the rate of vision loss. At Associated Eye Physicians’ retinal specialists are at the forefront of state-of-the-art treatments for both dry and wet forms of AMD including anti-VEGF injections which stop abnormal blood vessels leaking blood and fluid into the macula – one major feature of wet macular degeneration. When combined with laser surgery or nutritional supplements they may even restore some lost vision for many patients.

While there is no known cure for dry AMD, making healthy lifestyle changes may significantly lower your risk. Eating plenty of leafy green vegetables, fish, fruits and nuts high in omega-3 fatty acids will support eye health while regular exercise and not smoking will further help. Your eye doctor may suggest additional preventative measures, including at-home testing for AMD as well as comprehensive dilated eye exams that assess central vision clarity and blurriness.

Wet macular degeneration is the more severe form of macular degeneration and occurs when abnormal blood vessels under the retina develop leakage that results in scar tissue formation. Symptoms may include sudden and rapid worsening of central vision that makes straight lines appear crooked or wavy or makes reading and driving difficult, among others.

If you recognize these symptoms, do not hesitate to reach out and book an eye exam immediately. Your eye doctor will use special drops to dilate your pupil and conduct a comprehensive visual acuity test in order to detect early stages of any disease that might exist in your eyes.

To slow the progression of wet macular degeneration, the best strategy is to quit smoking, limit UV light exposure, maintain a healthy weight and consume a diet rich in leafy green vegetables and fish while taking daily AREDS2-based vitamins. Our retinal specialist will assist in making these lifestyle changes while monitoring progress with at-home testing between visits to our office.

About the Author:
Picture of Alexander Suprun

Alexander Suprun

Alex started his first web marketing campaign in 1997 and continues harvesting this fruitful field today. He helped many startups and well-established companies to grow to the next level by applying innovative inbound marketing strategies. For the past 26 years, Alex has served over a hundred clients worldwide in all aspects of digital marketing and communications. Additionally, Alex is an expert researcher in healthcare, vision, macular degeneration, natural therapy, and microcurrent devices. His passion lies in developing medical devices to combat various ailments, showcasing his commitment to innovation in healthcare.


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