Medical Treatment For Macular Degeneration

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Macular degeneration is one of the leading causes of legal blindness among adults over 75 and early detection through regular eye exams is crucial.

Symptoms of AMD include blurry vision, distorted straight lines and dark areas in your central vision. One of the early indicators is yellow deposits under your retina known as drusen; as it progresses it may develop abnormal blood vessels which leak fluid causing rapid loss of central vision (wet macular degeneration) that require monthly injections of medication to block new vessel growth.

Dry macular degeneration

Macular degeneration is a progressive retinal condition affecting the macula, the central portion of our retina responsible for our detailed central or near vision. Macular degeneration usually begins with straight line loss before progressing to distortion or dark areas in your center field of vision; usually peripheral vision remains clear though most commonly found among Caucasians – although sometimes only one eye experiences symptoms more significantly than another. It most frequently affects both eyes; although occasionally more severe effects may manifest themselves.

Most people with dry macular degeneration experience only gradual vision decline that allows them to lead relatively normal lives. While no treatment can reverse damage done to the macula, a recent study called Age-Related Eye Disease Study or AREDS suggests that high doses of antioxidant vitamins and minerals may reduce progression to wet form of macular degeneration.

Wet macular degeneration affects approximately 10% of those suffering from macular degeneration and leads to rapid vision loss. It occurs when abnormal blood vessels grow beneath the retina and start to leak blood or fluid into the macula, known as Choroidal Neovascularization (CNV). Wet AMD can damage central and detail vision more severely than its dry form counterpart and is responsible for 90% of severe macular degeneration related vision loss.

Laser therapy may be effective in slowing or stopping wet macular degeneration progression; however, this treatment cannot restore lost central vision.

Early detection is key when treating macular degeneration. If you have a family history or are over 55, it’s essential that you schedule an eye exam every year with a dilated pupil to confirm whether macular degeneration exists – so make your appointment today!

Early stage

Macular degeneration begins with a breakdown of cells within the macula and formation of fluid beneath the retina, leading to blurriness or dark areas in central vision, not side/peripheral vision loss, but making reading more challenging. Your eye doctor can assess for this stage with a dilated exam.

Macular degeneration comes in two forms, wet and dry. Eighty to ninety percent of age-related macular degeneration (ARMD) cases fall into the dry form, characterized by deposits known as drusen that build up behind the macula and progress slowly, allowing most patients to maintain reading vision in both eyes. About 10%-15% of cases develop wet macular degeneration; in this type, abnormal blood vessels form under the retina that leak blood into the macula causing distortion or blind spots – wet degeneration is associated with much higher risks than its dry counterpart.

Slow the progression of ARMD by scheduling regular dilated eye exams and adhering to an appropriate diet. You could also try certain supplements which have been proven to slow macular degeneration such as vitamin C, E, Lutein and Zeaxanthin. Before taking any supplements, please speak to an eye care provider first. Some patients with wet macular degeneration can benefit from injections of an anti-angiogenesis drug which stops abnormal blood vessel growth and leakage, giving an effective remedy. Other treatments for wet macular degeneration include photodynamic therapy, which uses laser light to destroy abnormal blood vessels. Other drugs and surgical procedures are being researched as potential solutions. If you are at risk for wet macular degeneration, smoking should be avoided while cholesterol and blood pressure levels should also be decreased as well as protecting eyes from direct sunlight or sources of UV rays.

Intermediate stage

At this stage, macular degeneration starts to break down and central vision becomes cloudy and blurry. Peripheral (side) vision remains clear, although performing tasks such as threading a needle or reading becomes challenging due to difficulty seeing fine detail. Luckily, treatments exist that may slow vision loss during this stage.

Macular degeneration becomes more serious during its second stage as small clumps of protein called drusen begin to form. Although these do not cause vision loss at this point, regular visits with your eye doctor are still important in order to monitor any changes to your eyes and retina. Your doctor may perform fluorescein angiography – injecting harmless orange-red dye into your arm then taking photographs as the dye passes through blood vessels – this painless procedure allows your physician to detect abnormal blood vessel growth within the eye.

At this stage, the risk of wet macular degeneration increases dramatically. This happens when new blood vessels form under the retina and leak fluid or blood into it causing severe vision loss very quickly. Medication may help stop or slow its progress by restricting their growth or stopping their leakage as well as using laser procedures or experimental drugs for treating it; laser procedures or experimental drugs may also be utilized as effective solutions.

Macular degeneration tends to only impact central vision quality; peripheral vision remains intact, making daily activities simpler for you and enabling assistive devices such as magnifiers to help make things easier to see.

Macular degeneration can be mitigated with regular eye exams. If you are 45 or over, it is especially essential that you schedule a dilated examination every year at Dr. Richlin OD & Associates by calling us or making an online request. Your eyes are of paramount importance – let’s ensure they remain healthy! To book an exam or schedule an appointment online please click here or call Dr. Richlin, OD & Associates directly today.

Late stage

The macula is the small area at the back of your eye that allows you to see fine details clearly, relayed via optic nerve. As its cells deteriorate, central vision becomes impaired with blurriness, dark areas or distortion; eventually affecting both near and far vision in its wake.

Advanced macular degeneration comes in two forms – dry and wet. Drusen can form under the retina over time, leading to its gradual thinning. Meanwhile, with wet macular degeneration new weak blood vessels may sprout beneath it and leak blood or fluid that causes irreparable vision loss if left untreated.

If you suspect wet macular degeneration, symptoms include sudden blurred vision, hazy central vision or both eyes, distortion of straight lines and dark or missing spots in your central vision. If this happens to you, make an appointment immediately with your physician; they may examine both eyes, including performing an Amsler grid test; this checkerboard pattern of straight lines provides another form of screening which could indicate whether AMD has advanced.

Wet macular degeneration may be treated by using painless laser light to destroy abnormal blood vessels that contribute to it, which will slow but not reverse vision loss. Therefore, early treatment for wet macular degeneration should be sought as soon as possible given its rapid progress.

Late stage macular degeneration cannot be reversed through medication; however, certain oral and eye injection therapies such as Bevacizumab, Ranibizumab and Pegaptanib may help slow its progress. Furthermore, it’s essential to limit UV exposure as well as take preventative steps such as eating healthily, not smoking and getting plenty of restorative rest.

About the Author:
Picture of Alexander Suprun

Alexander Suprun

Alex started his first web marketing campaign in 1997 and continues harvesting this fruitful field today. He helped many startups and well-established companies to grow to the next level by applying innovative inbound marketing strategies. For the past 26 years, Alex has served over a hundred clients worldwide in all aspects of digital marketing and communications. Additionally, Alex is an expert researcher in healthcare, vision, macular degeneration, natural therapy, and microcurrent devices. His passion lies in developing medical devices to combat various ailments, showcasing his commitment to innovation in healthcare.


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