MaculaRevive – Stargardt Eye Disease Cure

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Stargardt disease is a progressive eye condition which leads to central vision deterioration over time. This hereditary condition often manifests with yellow patches called lipofuscin in the inner retinal tissue of its victims’ eyes.

MaculaRevive can help stop macular degeneration from progressing and reverse damage done to the macula using cellular healing. This holistic approach emphasizes detoxification to reduce oxidative stress, inflammation and nutritional deficiencies in order to promote healing in the macula.

1. Reduces oxidative stress

Oxidative stress in the eye is a contributing factor to macular degeneration and other retinal disorders, due to retina’s sensitivity to light being damaged by oxidative damage caused by free radicals from cigarettes or environmental sources. Overexposure of light causes damage that leads to macular degeneration by leading to yellow clumps known as drusen that cause vision loss; taking measures to decrease this type of damage is therefore key for treating macular degeneration effectively.

Stargardt macular degeneration symptoms usually begin manifesting themselves between late childhood and early adulthood, and tend to worsen gradually with time. They include blurry or distorted vision, difficulty seeing in low light environments and difficulties perceiving colors – potentially leading to difficulties with recognizing faces, driving or reading. Although central vision can become affected, its peripherial counterpart remains intact.

Pharmaceutical firms are currently investigating medications to preserve or restore damaged photoreceptors in the retina caused by Stargardt’s disease. One such firm, Astellas Pharmaceuticals (formerly Ocata Therapeutics), is conducting Phase II studies for stem cell therapy as a possible way of treating this condition.

Stargardt’s disease patients can benefit from using low-vision aids like magnifiers or electronic devices designed to make small print easier to read. People living with this condition may also take nutritional supplements containing zinc, and eating foods rich in the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin that act as filters against harmful blue light rays; such nutrients have also been linked to reduced risks of advanced macular degeneration; they can be found in foods like green leafy vegetables, dark chocolate and berry fruits.

2. Increases blood flow

Stargardt disease is an inherited, hereditary condition that affects the retina – a light-sensitive tissue lining the back of the eye – specifically the macula (a small area at the center). Lipofuscin builds up over time beneath cells underlying the retina and may eventually cause damage over time, including blurry or hazy central vision and changes to color vision in some people. People living with Stargardt typically do not experience issues with peripheral vision.

Stargardt macular degeneration typically presents itself in its initial symptoms between the ages of 6-12, manifested through difficulty seeing objects in low light or night conditions, driving difficulties, difficulty in recognising faces and difficulty with driving. It usually shows itself at this age point.

Eye doctors can identify the condition by taking a photo of the inner or rear portion of the eye (fundus). Yellow patches in the retina indicate disease; additional tests such as an eye chart test, visual acuity test and color blindness test may be conducted to confirm diagnosis.

Research is ongoing into treating Stargardt macular degeneration through gene therapy or pharmaceutical medication, such as Alkeus Pharmaceutical’s ALK-001 medication designed to block vitamin A breakdown in retina. Phase II trials are currently ongoing for this treatment option. To maintain optimal vision health for those living with Stargardt macular degeneration it’s recommended they avoid cigarettes, excessive vitamin A consumption, sun exposure and any exposure that might further deteriorate it such as excessive sun exposure or smoking cigarettes.

3. Relieves inflammation

MaculaRevive aims to treat Macular Degeneration from its roots by targeting inflammation, oxidation and toxicity at a cellular level, in turn slowing its progress or even in some cases reversing damage done to the Macula. It does so by increasing natural healing ability in the body.

Stargardt Macular Degeneration, also referred to as juvenile macular degeneration or fundus flavimaculatus, is an hereditary eye condition which affects the retina – the light-sensitive tissue at the back of your eye – specifically the macula that controls precise center vision. Most often seen among people suffering from Stargardt macular degeneration is yellow pigment deposits known as lipofuscin building up beneath their retinal cells and damaging central vision in some way.

Stargardt disease affects central vision and, at its onset, can become clouded or blurry. Later stages may present difficulty seeing in low light conditions and difficulty perceiving colors correctly.

Oxidative stress causes oxygen levels in cells to drop, destroy anti-oxidants and trigger inflammation – factors which have been linked with macular degeneration by hastening retinal pigment epithelial layer breakdown. A diet rich in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and Omega-3 fatty acids may provide protection from macular degeneration as well as other health issues.

4. Increases nutrient absorption

MaculaRevive helps your body absorb essential nutrients to slow macular degeneration and even reverse damage already done to your macula, by targeting cell-level issues like oxidative stress, inflammation and nutrition availability. By strengthening both vision and overall health simultaneously.

Stargardt macular degeneration, also referred to as hereditary macular degeneration or juvenile macular degeneration, is an hereditary eye condition which damages the retina – the light-sensitive tissue located at the back of each eye – through inheritance. Diseased Macula: Macula macular degeneration affects the central retinal area known as the macula, responsible for precise central vision tasks like reading, driving and recognising faces. A genetic mutation in ABCA4 gene causes this condition. People suffering from Stargardt’s disease typically first show symptoms during late childhood or early adulthood and can often maintain good peripheral vision, though their central vision may become distorted or blurry in low light environments and color vision may eventually be lost due to disease progression.

Diagnosis for Stargardt macular degeneration typically involves using fundus photography to inspect the retina, which lies at the very rear of your eye, with special instrument called fundus photography. Fundus photographs may reveal yellowish pigmentation or lipofuscin on retinal cells indicating presence of macular degeneration; its presence is an excellent predictor that you have Stargardt-type symptoms; although other conditions could mimic its symptoms.

One of the primary symptoms of macular degeneration is loss of central vision, making driving and reading difficult, with blackened patches appearing in your vision and distorting it further. Furthermore, you could lose peripheral vision as well, making it hard to see things on either side of your head or making everything appear crooked and uneven.

5. Reduces heavy metals

Stargardt’s disease patients may develop distorted vision, often marked by yellowish-brown lipofuscin deposits in the macula that interfere with our ability to see straight lines, colors and shapes clearly. People living with Stargardt’s may also have difficulty reading fine print and distinguishing objects’ edges – these alterations in vision can be challenging for adapting to, however there are numerous solutions for dealing with low vision loss such as special equipment or low vision services that may provide some assistance.

MaculaRevive addresses the root causes of macular degeneration to reduce oxidative stress, increase blood flow and improve cellular function for gradual macular degeneration prevention and possible reversal. This includes reducing oxidative stress levels while also increasing circulation and improving cell health.

About the Author:
Picture of Alexander Suprun

Alexander Suprun

Alex started his first web marketing campaign in 1997 and continues harvesting this fruitful field today. He helped many startups and well-established companies to grow to the next level by applying innovative inbound marketing strategies. For the past 26 years, Alex has served over a hundred clients worldwide in all aspects of digital marketing and communications. Additionally, Alex is an expert researcher in healthcare, vision, macular degeneration, natural therapy, and microcurrent devices. His passion lies in developing medical devices to combat various ailments, showcasing his commitment to innovation in healthcare.


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