Macular Degeneration Herbal Treatment

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Macular degeneration occurs when the macula, the small area at the back of your eye’s retina, stops working correctly, leading to blurriness, dark areas or distortion that affects central vision only. Peripheral (side) vision remains unaffected.

Supplements such as antioxidant vitamins and zinc may help lower the risk of vision loss.

MacuHealth with LMZ3

MacuHealth is a patented formula containing three essential eye carotenoids: Lutein, Meso-Zeaxanthin, and Zeaxanthin – that have been scientifically shown through peer-reviewed research to help rebuild macular pigment over time and improve vision. Furthermore, MacuHealth may help protect against macular degeneration by blocking harmful blue light entering retina and thus helping protect vision from degeneration. Plus it is safe and easy to take.

Luteine and zeaxanthin help protect retinal photoreceptor cells from being exposed to harmful blue light by binding to them, providing antioxidant protection that may prevent macular degeneration from happening. Furthermore, this supplement has other important antioxidant benefits as it inhibits LDL oxidation – the precursor for atherosclerosis – thus protecting cardiovascular disease prevention. Studies have also indicated this eye supplement’s efficacy against atherosclerosis by stopping LDL cholesterol oxidation that could otherwise contribute to atherosclerosis formation.

Studies conducted under AREDS2 and other schemes show that diets rich in luteine, astaxanthine and meso-zeaxanthine can lower risk for macular degeneration aggravation. While researchers suggest these carotenoides could also prevent cataractes forming, another study published in Archives of Ophthalmology shows women consuming more foods rich in these carotenoids had an increased risk of cataracte formation compared with women eating foods containing less carotenoides.

Researchers from University of California, Los Angeles conducted another study comparing diets rich in lutein and zeaxanthin with diets depleted of these essential nutrients. They discovered that diet high in lutein and zeaxanthin significantly reduced macular degeneration risk by 25% compared with control group’s nonreduction of risk; further investigation is currently being done regarding other supplements or dietary modifications that might reduce this condition as well as investigating omega-3’s potential to mitigate macular degeneration risk.


Akshi Tarpana is an effective, soothing, and relaxing treatment to revitalize eyes and surrounding tissues. This therapy is often recommended in cases involving sore eyes, blurry vision, or conjunctivitis (itchy pink membrane inside corner of eye). Computer eye strain, myasthenia gravis, diabetic retinopathy and excessive watering of the eyes may all benefit from eye drenching therapy. To perform it effectively, medicated liquids must be poured on closed lids from 4 inches height until an exact time and dose are specified by dosha analysis. Acharya Sushruta recommended Parishek Kriya Kalpa for treating diseases above the clavicle as part of Netra Rogas Ayurveda. Also referred to as Parishek Kriya Kalpa in Ayurveda, this treatment forms part of Ashtanga Ayurveda Shalakya Tantra branch for Ashtanga Ayurveda Ashtanga Ayurveda.


According to Ayurved principles, eye disorders are caused by an imbalance of pitta dosha. More specifically, this includes issues associated with ranjaka pitta which supplies nutrition to eyes; and alochaka pitta which controls photochemical operations and retinal function. Ayurved medicine and procedures can effectively combat such imbalances; splashing cold water over eyes hydrates them while improving blood circulation while massage with triphala powder relieves strain from eye muscles.


Wet Macular Degeneration (ARMD) occurs when abnormal vessels form beneath the retina, leading to fluid build up and frequent leakages that result in central vision loss. Ayurvedic treatments, including Shiro-dhara and Basti, can reverse its progression by decreasing toxic material build up, improving circulation in eyes and eliminating leaky blood vessels. Netra-Purgation treatments help decrease fluid collection under retina, thus stopping further vision loss as well as stopping further process of neovascularization, as well as aiding removal of debris as well as reduction of new vessel growth abnormally.

About the Author:
Picture of Alexander Suprun

Alexander Suprun

Alex started his first web marketing campaign in 1997 and continues harvesting this fruitful field today. He helped many startups and well-established companies to grow to the next level by applying innovative inbound marketing strategies. For the past 26 years, Alex has served over a hundred clients worldwide in all aspects of digital marketing and communications. Additionally, Alex is an expert researcher in healthcare, vision, macular degeneration, natural therapy, and microcurrent devices. His passion lies in developing medical devices to combat various ailments, showcasing his commitment to innovation in healthcare.


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