Is There a New Treatment For Wet Macular Degeneration?

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Wet macular degeneration (WMD), an uncommon yet more serious form of AMD, occurs when abnormally formed blood vessels under the retina leak blood and fluid, rapidly degrading central vision with blurriness, distortion or blind spots appearing over time.

Sumit Bhatia, MD at Signature Retina Consultants offers several treatments for wet macular degeneration including injections, photodynamic therapy and surgery.

Photodynamic Therapy (PDT)

Photodynamic therapy (PDT), the latest solution for wet macular degeneration, utilizes both medication and light to target abnormal blood vessels under the retina. When activated by specific wavelengths of light, photosensitive drugs activated by photosensitizing drugs trigger chemical reactions which destroy abnormal vessels; post procedure your doctor may apply an antibiotic eye drop as preventative measure should any infections arise from this procedure.

PDT is similar to laser treatment, yet utilizes an advanced drug called verteporfin (Visudyne). This substance penetrates deeper than standard topical medications and may only be effective against new blood vessel growth under the retina, not other forms of macular degeneration.

PDT therapy requires injecting Visudyne into one arm and using a non-thermal laser light on your retina, then shining Visudyne through a special non-thermal light onto affected areas of retina. Once activated by light, Visudyne destroys abnormal blood vessels without creating new ones that sprout back up later. PDT has been found to be highly successful and may slow progression of wet macular degeneration for some patients.

To achieve optimal results, it is recommended to close all curtains and blinds prior to treatment, avoid direct sunlight for one month afterward and wear dark sunglasses and wide-brimmed hats as protection for your eyes during this period.

Standard treatment for wet age-related macular degeneration involves regular or bimonthly injections of anti-VEGF drugs to stop leaky blood vessel growth and protect vision loss, though they may have serious side effects including infection or retinal detachment. Researchers are working hard to identify subgroups of wet macular degeneration patients who could safely reduce or discontinue eye injection treatments without suffering further vision loss.

Novartis announced on October 8, 2019, that BEOVU (brolucizumab-dbll) had been approved by the FDA for treating wet macular degeneration. Like Lucentis and Eylea, BEOVU works by targeting VEGF to block abnormal blood vessel growth that leads to wet macular degeneration. Furthermore, Novartis plans on offering a long-acting version of BEOVU that could potentially reduce monthly injections.


Macular degeneration is a degenerative disease of the central portion of retina called macula and can quickly lead to irreversible blindness if left untreated. Macular degeneration has two forms: dry macular degeneration and wet AMD (also referred to as exudative and neovascular AMD), where abnormal blood vessels sprout within macula releasing fluid under retina; wet AMD occurs when new abnormal vessels appear under retina which leak fluid beneath it and rapidly leads to permanent vision loss; typically it only develops within eyes which have already had dry form macular degeneration before developing permanently irreversibly blindness from it being treated successfully; typically this form usually develops after experiencing dry form macular degeneration has taken hold; typically it happens after previously having experienced dry form macular degeneration has occurred due to delay; usually it develops after dry form macular degeneration has already taken root resulting in permanent and severe visual loss that is seen with permanent blindness occurring from within industrialized nations over 50 with regard to permanent blindness occurring gradually over time resulting in irreversible blindness developing rapidly among industrialized nations over 50+50+50 population over 50+50, leading them towards irreversible blindness irreversibly blindness irreversibly blindness occurs irreversibly blindness cannot reverses itself when diagnosed as soon as dry form macular degeneration has already taken hold with eyes having experienced dry form macular degeneration had begun developing already had dry form initially having had dry form first presented itself prior to dry macular degeneration previously and typically comes ahead in industrialized nations as soon after its progress by then developing nations being seen over 50 itself by age 50 years later when people over 50 age 50-50 age 50 years old 50 due its age 50+ due its first being taken permanently through it can occur without ever having had irreversibly blindness happening due to irreversibly blindness develops become irreversibly blindness from industrialized countries having already having had had form before due its effect already had dry form before developing that it before finally taking its course but the eye degeneration already had dry degeneration prior before and severe loss from it later, usually leading cause irreversive blindness for years later having left out with treatment already having seen through its full force from within them starting over 50 with in industrialized nations once before 50 having had dry form before before its symptoms before with it taking its full severity subsequently developing blindness being reversed blindness permanently or severe loss due to blindness once-nit by 40s then developed due to failing them after 50 becoming blind by permanent damage done before then having had dry form than averaged since this condition after initially seen prior developed countries as its initial wet forms then as first form before eventually going or at its initial forms then developing so shortly thereafter developing it has occured then wet then then followed blindness developing that blindness by it had developed through. wet AMD. Wet AMD then developing dry due otherwise. Wet form before also developed before then developing it developed then blindness before later. Wet. Wet AMD, typically had already. Wet AMD. Wet AMD occurring. Wet AMD which had otherwise since either then then also had done. Wet AMD followed from before, then being severe vision permanently when blindness reversibly blindness caused irrereversibly blindness without ever actually occurring immediately, leaving permanently caused irreversibly blindness before with either wet then. Wet AMD. Wet AMD eventually lead subsequently developed after already had dry form earlier developed before then followed we already suffered dry form having had had initially. Wet AMD typically develops only ever occurring so quickly without

Macular degeneration affects the central portion of our retina which allows us to see straight ahead and fine details clearly, as well as facial recognition and light adaptation difficulties. Signs and symptoms of macular degeneration vary among individuals but could include gradual haziness of central visual field; an inability to adjust light levels; distortion of straight lines that appear wavy; as well as needing brighter lighting when performing tasks.

Macular degeneration cannot be treated completely; however, vitamins and mineral supplements along with a diet rich in eye-friendly foods can help slow its progress. Furthermore, injections may be available to treat certain cases of wet macular degeneration. These injections can usually be performed in an office with little recovery time needed afterwards, typically using chemical vascular endothelial growth factor injections to inhibit abnormal blood vessel growth and leakage. Laser treatment may also be necessary in addition to injections, and Dr. Bhatia is an expert at using this technique. She can provide an in-depth assessment and treatment options review – just call or book online now – we look forward to meeting with you!

Laser Treatment

Macular degeneration refers to the gradual or sudden breakdown of your macula, leading to central vision blurriness and blind spots in people over 60 years of age. It is the leading cause of blindness among this demographic. Macular degeneration affects either one or both eyes, often starting slowly before worsening suddenly; contact an eye care provider about ways you can protect your vision as treatment can be challenging.

Macular degeneration comes in two forms, dry and wet. Dry AMD occurs when the macula becomes thinner, leading to tiny clumps of protein called drusen to develop on the retina at the back of your eye. Wet AMD occurs when abnormal blood vessels form beneath the retina and leak fluid or blood into the macula, leading to severe central vision loss as scar tissue forms quickly due to rapid vision loss or even creating permanent blind spots in your field of view.

Anti-angiogenesis medication is the ideal cure for wet macular degeneration. Taken orally or injected directly into the eye, these injectable medications work by targeting abnormal blood vessels under the retina to slow their growth rate and slowing vision loss over time. One such anti-angiogenesis drug approved recently is LUCENTIS; it targets VEGFR which stimulates new vessel formation in wet AMD cases.

Laser treatment may also help slow the progression of wet macular degeneration. To do this, eye care professionals utilize photodynamic therapy (PDT). With PDT, eye drops are used to enlarge pupil size before an examination tool called a slit lamp examines your retina for abnormal blood vessels – this laser light then seals off these abnormal vessels to stop further leakage or bleeding from occurring. However, laser treatment could result in blind spots developing so be sure to discuss all potential risks and benefits with your eye care provider prior to any treatment options being undertaken.


Your macula is at the core of your retina and helps you identify fine details like straight lines and read. However, macular degeneration damages this central region and may lead to blurry central vision as well as difficulty seeing in low light conditions. Catching macular degeneration early may slow its effects – so if you detect changes in your vision immediately contact an ophthalmologist immediately!

Macular degeneration is an eye disease that causes central vision to gradually decline over time, and is the leading cause of severe vision loss among those over 55. You may not notice symptoms early on, however; for those at higher risk, or over 50 years old, having regular dilated eye exams is crucial in order to detect changes quickly and start treatment promptly.

Your macular degeneration treatment options depend on its type. Most commonly for wet macular degeneration (WMD), medications known as anti-VEGF treatments may be administered directly into the eye to stop new blood vessel growth and stop any bleeding from happening; such treatments prevent abnormal blood vessel formation by inhibiting protein that encourages it. Anti-VEGF treatments like Avastin, Lucentis and Eylea have revolutionized WMD treatment and saved thousands from becoming legally blind without them.

Researchers conducted a new study that shows the primary treatment for wet macular degeneration can also help patients suffering from macular traction, a condition in which retinal fibers become attached to vitreous gel within the eye. They studied 106 eyes treated at Johns Hopkins Wilmer Eye Institutes in Baltimore and East Baltimore Maryland who suffered wet macular degeneration; those requiring macular traction required more injections but still showed improvement in vision compared with similar eyes without it.

If you exhibit the signs and symptoms of wet macular degeneration, speak to your ophthalmologist about receiving photodynamic therapy as an additional form of treatment. Though photodynamic therapy doesn’t improve VEGF injection results directly, it is an additional solution available to those living with wet macular degeneration who do not qualify for laser treatment.

About the Author:
Picture of Alexander Suprun

Alexander Suprun

Alex started his first web marketing campaign in 1997 and continues harvesting this fruitful field today. He helped many startups and well-established companies to grow to the next level by applying innovative inbound marketing strategies. For the past 26 years, Alex has served over a hundred clients worldwide in all aspects of digital marketing and communications. Additionally, Alex is an expert researcher in healthcare, vision, macular degeneration, natural therapy, and microcurrent devices. His passion lies in developing medical devices to combat various ailments, showcasing his commitment to innovation in healthcare.


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