HumanWare Florida Experts

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HumanWare produces the BrailleNote computer for those with visual impairments. This device includes a Braille keyboard or Qwerty Keyboard, speech synthesizer and 32[2] or 18-column refreshable Braille cell display; in addition, an optional external GPS module may also be added for enhanced functionality.

From Jan. 31-Feb. 1, 2019, ATIA 2023 conference and exhibition provides an excellent opportunity for networking, meeting, learning and exchanging information on assistive technology products and services, networking events and learning more about assistive technologies available today.

Yves Boisjoli

Yves Boisjoli is a humanware Florida expert and attorney with extensive experience in technology transfer and innovation. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Law from the University of Sherbrooke as well as membership of the Barreau du Quebec. Additionally, he completed a Master of Business Administration at Florida Atlantic University.

HumanWare, an international technology provider for those with visual disabilities and impairment, offers innovative products like its first braille touch tablet as well as an established distributor network to service millions of individuals around the globe. Co-owner and vice-president for business development Yves Boisjoli heads this enterprise as its co-proprietor and Vice President of Development of Businesses at HumanWare. The business currently exports a vast selection of its innovative products including Braille touch tablets with touch functionality – pioneered by HumanWare itself – while international branches serve millions more individuals from 50 different countries each time!

Roger Steinberg

Roger Steinberg is a HumanWare Florida expert with a strong business and technical background, possessing extensive knowledge in low vision solutions as well as technology integration, product development, training and consulting skills. Roger has become one of their key performers.

HumanWare is the worldwide leader in designing computers specifically tailored for blind and visually impaired users, producing products such as the BrailleNote touch – a touchscreen tablet certified by Google for blindness and visual impairment – and BrailleNote Apex, which are both smaller, lighter devices based on Windows CE operating systems.

HumanWare operates from offices in the US, UK and France with an international sales network that generates 94% of its revenues. Their products can be found across 80 countries; customers include academic institutions, government agencies and businesses alike. As well as selling its products directly, HumanWare also provides various services and software packages.

ATIA 2023

ATIA 2023 conference and exhibition is the world’s largest assistive technology event, featuring international excellence. This annual community gathering and educational forum serves AT practitioners, teachers, parents/caregivers/carers/persons with disabilities alike to network, learn and share. Covering vision/hearing impairment, communication disorders and mobility needs as well as covering all ages from young children to seniors alike; there will be over 100 sessions available both physically and online.

Attracting thousands of attendees each year, ATIA 2023 presents attendees with the latest products and solutions in assistive technologies (AT). Students, faculty, and staff members can connect with vendors specialized in AT. Plus, attendance is free; sessions can also be found as podcasts post conference!

Penn State’s Accessible Technology Research Team presented on various topics at the ATIA conference in February. In addition, our faculty and student researchers were available at our HumanWare booth to answer any questions that arose from conference attendees; many also stopped by to inquire about our new BrailleNote Apex which has begun shipping!

The BrailleNote is a portable computer designed for people who are blind or visually impaired. It includes a Qwerty keyboard, speech synthesizer, and either 32 or 18 column refreshable Braille displays to enable use as PowerPoint presentations with its built-in Keysoft 9.4 screen reader enabling blind users to navigate slides easily using only their keyboards.

About the Author:
Picture of Alexander Suprun

Alexander Suprun

Alex started his first web marketing campaign in 1997 and continues harvesting this fruitful field today. He helped many startups and well-established companies to grow to the next level by applying innovative inbound marketing strategies. For the past 26 years, Alex has served over a hundred clients worldwide in all aspects of digital marketing and communications. Additionally, Alex is an expert researcher in healthcare, vision, macular degeneration, natural therapy, and microcurrent devices. His passion lies in developing medical devices to combat various ailments, showcasing his commitment to innovation in healthcare.


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