Meet eSight 4, the most cutting-edge and functional augmented vision system. The eSight 4 is simple to use, offers the best visual acuity, and unsurpassed mobility, whether sitting down to read or traveling. It moves effortlessly with the wearer. optimum ocular acuity optimal camera and lens combination for optimum visual clarity Real-time, crystal-clear binocular views are provided by robust sensors, focusing, and other features. 24X zoom, focus, and contrast are simple to use visual controls. put over prescription eyewear exceptional mobility Hands-free and wireless, with integrated touchpad controls Patented bioptic tilt provides simple access to complete natural vision and incorporates peripheral vision. Chargeable and quickly interchangeable is a magnetic battery. Even weight distribution and all-day comfort are made possible by the halo band with rear battery. Simple to use and learn immediate improvement in vision Remote and headset controls built-in offer all essential features. Allowing close ones to view what you see remotely can help you personalize your experience. Automatic updates are provided to wearers through a cloud-based gadget. Ready for more action? Mobile apps for Apple® and Android® offer cutting-edge features like photo sharing, eCast, and eMirror. How Does eSight Function? eSight increases visual information to the brain by stimulating synaptic nerve activity using a potent camera, lens, and patented software algorithms. Who is eSight right for? Numerous people with significant eye disorders, such as macular degeneration, Stargardt's disease, and diabetic retinopathy, use eSight every day. The outcome: The typical eSight user has visual acuity between 20/60 and 20/800, which has been clinically validated to increase distance acuity by 7 lines. Many people who wear eSight obtain 20/20 vision acuity. Discover the potential of eSight 4: See your loved ones' faces. Attend classes at every level. progress at work. savor the TV, books, and computers. Discover new locations with assurance and safety.