Dry Macular Degeneration Treatment Options

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AMD occurs as the result of light-sensitive cells deteriorating within the macula, eventually leading to blurred central vision and difficulty seeing in low light conditions.

Later stages may lead to protein clumps called drusen forming. Over time, this stage can progress and eventually result in wet AMD.

Wet AMD occurs when abnormal new blood vessels form and leak blood or fluid under the retina. Treatment for wet macular degeneration has shown to prevent further vision loss and even improve it in up to 40% of cases.


Initial stages of dry macular degeneration often do not produce symptoms, leaving patients unaware that they have it until it reaches the intermediate stage. At this stage, vision may blur or you may notice difficulty seeing in dim light or at night; straight lines may become crooked and blind spots appear within central vision – yet in this intermediate stage you still maintain peripheral vision for driving, reading and recognising faces.

Dry macular degeneration occurs when your macula thins as you age and tiny protein deposits known as drusen develop, leading to gradual central vision loss that may be prevented with regular eye exams; however, no cure exists; therefore ongoing care must be monitored carefully in order to track changes to vision.

15 percent of people diagnosed with dry macular degeneration progress to wet macular degeneration, where abnormal blood vessels form beneath areas weakened by drusen and atrophy, and leak blood and fluid into central vision areas – creating large blind spots and leading to vision loss. Wet AMD is far more severe and should never be ignored!

Medication may help treat wet macular degeneration by decreasing the growth of new abnormal blood vessels or blocking leaks that damage vision. Anti-VEGF injections regularly into your eye can effectively slow or stop these issues; an alternative therapy called photodynamic therapy involves injecting a drug into either arm or hand and activating by laser into your eye; once activated by this laser it absorbs abnormal vessels and destroys them.

Dry macular degeneration cannot be reversed with medications alone; however, its progression can be delayed with healthy lifestyle habits and taking supplements like vitamins C, E, lutein zeaxanthin zinc copper to support eye health. Speak to our team of specialists about what supplements would best support your individual health goals as a macular degeneration treatment strategy.

Laser Treatment

Eyecare Center of Ken Caryl eye specialists specialize in early diagnosis of age-related macular degeneration (AMD). By doing so, they can recommend treatments which could potentially slow its progress and limit vision loss.

Most individuals living with macular degeneration experience its dry form, which involves tissue thinning and yellow-colored deposits known as drusen forming on the macula. This form usually progresses more slowly and less likely to lead to permanent blindness compared to its wet counterpart. Wet macular degeneration typically arises when abnormal blood vessels grow under the retina and start leaking fluid or bleeding into it from underneath, compromising vision in up to 10% of cases of vision loss from macular degeneration.

At its later stages, wet macular degeneration may cause straight lines to appear wavy, or you may notice there is an empty spot in your central field of vision. Your eye doctor can detect wet macular degeneration with a medical eye exam.

Wet macular degeneration can be treated effectively with medications and laser treatment to preserve vision loss. One such medication is anti-VEGF, which works by decreasing new blood vessel growth while stopping fluid leakage from existing ones. Photodynamic therapy (PDT) involves injecting light-sensitive drug verteporfin into your arm before having your eye doctor use non-burning laser light for 83 seconds to seal off abnormal vessels that lead to leakage that leads to wet macular degeneration.

Both treatments can improve your quality of life by helping to stop further vision loss and making it easier to see in low lighting or at night. Signature Retina Consultants’ team can educate on low vision tools as well as refer you to vision rehabilitation specialists if necessary – schedule an appointment by phone or online today for further insight into managing macular degeneration!

Photodynamic Therapy

Macular degeneration, more commonly referred to as Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD), occurs when the macula on the retina of your eye deteriorates over time. The macula provides central vision which enables sharp detail viewing. Macular degeneration occurs naturally with ageing processes and is the leading cause of blindness among people over 65. Although its cause remains unknown, there are various treatment options that may mitigate further damage or in some cases even improve vision.

Dry Macular Degeneration is one of the most widespread forms of AMD and can result in blurry vision as light-sensing cells within the macula gradually lose their light-sensitive capabilities, ultimately leading to blurry central vision and peripheral (side) vision being unaffected. Although there is no cure for dry AMD, prevention strategies including eating healthily and taking specific vitamin supplements designed to protect the retina may help.

Wet macular degeneration is much less prevalent but more rapidly progressing. Its cause lies with abnormal blood vessels which form and leak into the macula, damaging it and leaving an empty spot at the center of your field of vision. Treatment options for wet macular degeneration include injecting certain medications into your eye or using photodynamic therapy as appropriate.

Photodynamic therapy works by shining a laser onto the exact area that needs treatment in your eye, activating light-sensitive medicine present within you and creating blood clots to seal off abnormal blood vessels.

This procedure is painless and only takes minutes to perform in our office. Following your procedure, your eyes may become sensitive to sunlight for several days afterward; during this period it’s recommended that you wear long sleeves and broad-brimmed hats until all photosensitizing agents have left your system. Similarly, avoid rubbing them during this period as this can disturb clots that have formed.


Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a serious eye disease caused when the macula wears down. This leads to blurry central vision and impairs your ability to read, drive and recognize faces; it may affect one or both eyes; often occurring gradually over time with changes beginning with retina tissue thinning and macular pigment loss before moving on to abnormal blood vessel growth (choroidal neovascularization) that leak into your macula; treating wet AMD involves anti-VEGF injections that reduce growth while slow any leakage; injections reduce growth while slow any potential leakage by anti-VEGF injections that reduce their growth reducing their growth while slow any leakage that may occur; treatments include anti-VEGF injections which reduce growth while slow any leaking.

Wet macular degeneration (AMD) can be more serious than dry macular degeneration and lead to significant vision loss. This form of AMD progresses more quickly, leading to blurred or distorted vision and muted colors; it is the leading cause of blindness among adults aged 55 or over and is especially common among white people with family histories of AMD as well as smokers, obese people or those suffering cardiovascular disease. It can even cause straight lines to appear crooked! If this condition arises in you it increases significantly your risk as it progresses more rapidly as it causes vision loss. It increases rapidly so you may experience vision distortion or blurriness and colors become muted. If this condition develops sooner it could make straight lines appear crooked while colors become muted making straight lines appear crooked while colors may seem muted compared with their counterparts causing straight line distortion; straight lines will appear crookedness while colors become muted; its lead cause blindness among adults over 55; white people at greater risk for age-related macular degeneration as it’s also more likely for you if smoking, obesity or having cardiovascular disease as it could accelerate more quickly – leading to blindness among adults over 55! You could become blind due to age related macular degeneration more rapidly too causing vision loss over time as it rapidly advances more rapidly affecting straight lines appear crooked while colors muted or muted while colors become muted too muted when seeing straight and colors appear muted too muted than ever causing blindness over age 55+55+ age 55 are at greater risk due its progression will progress more likely a more likely to experience its symptoms as it exists due to smoking/cardiovascular disease could increase due to age 55+ age 55+ adults having it increasing blindness than ever when older than 55+ adults over 55+ blindness when blindness occurring later than 55+ adults over 55+ than ever becoming blind without treatment of blindness blindness than ever as well. Blindness than ever being blind from age related macular degeneration with more quickly progressing so easily over 55 than ever would as blindness would later than they would do so eventually becoming blind then too rapidly progressive thus leaving people as being treated or because the result in other causes than 55 later than 55 + likely due age 55 than 55 age 55-related macular disease more rapidly progress more likely causing blindness occurs with cardiovascular diseases such as well. 55! 55, so more likely cause blindness occurs from its causes 55 (i! 55 being at 55! or having had disease related. 55 then! 55 plus being at 55… blind…….. subsequently! blind! blind. blind as. *.). more likely blind as blind. blind as an cause being blind! 55 then you too! blindness being caused or more likely allowing then. 55; so. blind. blind.). Also at higher risks than 55 as being at greater risks… than 55 being diagnosed since blind. blind. You have too. You could become blind, such as 55 could lead you more so too due to age associated blindness caused due. blind. blind due due to age 55 as adults have more at 55+ than 55! being 65.55 before 55 because 55 when being affected. 55 plus! as age. 55 because blindness due. 55 +5 as 55 could actually become blind sooner! 55 too as your age 55. 65 being affected later when blind due due to blindness could then being at greater risks than 55! 55 and/65 being at greater risks from getting blind than 55 due 55 because age related macular Degenerative conditions.

Your diet and regular physical activity can help slow the progress of wet macular degeneration (WMD). Furthermore, taking zinc, vitamin C, vitamin E and beta-carotene supplements is also key to helping prevent sudden vision loss due to WMD.

At Signature Retina Consultants, we can conduct a comprehensive retina exam to assess your macular pigment and the macula’s current condition, before discussing available treatment options with you. For early or intermediate dry macular degeneration cases, we may suggest high-dose formulations of antioxidants and zinc as protection from further vision loss; alternatively we offer low vision tools as well as referral to specialists for more specialized care if necessary.

At our practice in Braidwood, IL, our experts specialize in treating macular degeneration. We can detect early signs and minimize vision loss with early diagnosis and intervention by Dr. Sumit Bhatia at his office in Braidwood. Contact us online now or give us a call and schedule your appointment!

About the Author:
Picture of Alexander Suprun

Alexander Suprun

Alex started his first web marketing campaign in 1997 and continues harvesting this fruitful field today. He helped many startups and well-established companies to grow to the next level by applying innovative inbound marketing strategies. For the past 26 years, Alex has served over a hundred clients worldwide in all aspects of digital marketing and communications. Additionally, Alex is an expert researcher in healthcare, vision, macular degeneration, natural therapy, and microcurrent devices. His passion lies in developing medical devices to combat various ailments, showcasing his commitment to innovation in healthcare.


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