Connect 12 Support From HumanWare

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Connect 12 Support From HumanWare

Connect 12 is an innovative digital magnifier designed to assist students with low vision. Its features are tailored specifically for them: HD magnification of up to 24x magnification, online books, study skills tools and calculators are just some of them.

Use arrow keys or two fingers on the trackpad to navigate between Dock, desktop and menu bar areas. A sound effect will play when moving over an item or area.

Brailliant BI and B Series

Connect 12 is an advanced digital magnifier on the market, featuring desktop functionality, distance viewing, built-in Bluetooth keyboard, KeySoft Lite application suite and text-to-speech that assists with reading compression; access to online books; study skills tools like highlighters and notes; as well as three calculators. Connect 12 also opens an intelligent Android world that provides access to over one million apps free of charge and openly.

If available, the Braille Output Table option allows you to select which braille display will be output with NVDA. Your choice will be taken from among a list of tables related to your language and braille standard choice.

Use the arrow keys to navigate between options in the combo box, and make your selection. After clicking OK, the system will use this table when converting words or other text into braille; you will see this translation appear on screen of your braille display. At any time you can change this table through this dialog.

Brailliant BI 32

Humanware recently unveiled three new displays, including the Brailliant BI 32 as its smallest model. This display can connect quickly and effortlessly to iOS 5.1-running devices and other screen readers such as NVDA; additionally it’s small enough to fit easily in a laptop bag or backpack for reading and notetaking using its ergonomically-designed Perkins keyboard.

This display employs Bluetooth 5 wireless technology, offering double pairing speed and quadrupled range compared to Bluetooth 4. Additionally, multiple devices can connect easily simultaneously thanks to robust and stable connection and robust applications such as KeySoft Lite application suite ensuring smarter user experience and intuitive navigation.

Supports docx, brf, txt, html and pdf file formats. Display compatible with JAWS 18+, Dolphin SuperNova NVDA VoiceOver iOS. Ergonomic Perkins keyboard comes equipped with signature thumb keys for effortless display navigation and comfortable browsing experience.

Text review can be tied to the System caret, so when you move it, braille output table follows along. This option can be toggled on or off as necessary when editing text; for example if editing documents requires knowing exactly where your review cursor is positioned in a document. Braille is also announced when movement occurs so you know immediately where review cursor is positioned without looking at your display screen.

Use the combo box in the Settings dialog to choose which Braille Output Table you would like to use; UEB Table is currently set as default but other tables may also be available to choose from. Furthermore, you can change keyboard shortcuts assigned to Perkins keyboard keys.

The Brailliant BI 40X sets a new standard in refreshable braille displays with its impressive feature set, versatility and power. As the first braille display to include text-to-speech functionality bringing hybrid notetaking closer, and also being powered by Bluetooth 5 wireless technology for optimal connectivity and productivity gains, it delivers an exceptional user experience and delivers increased connectivity and productivity benefits for its user.

Brailliant BI 40

Humanware recently unveiled three new displays, with the Brailliant BI 40 being one of them. Boasting an attractive design that works seamlessly with iOS 5.1 devices or later, this display can be connected via USB or bluetooth for connectivity purposes.

This display can be used to access apps, internet browsing, email, calendar and alarm clock functions on an iDevice. With up to 16 hours of use time from its internal battery power source and compatible bluetooth keyboard connectivity paired with it – making this accessory ideal for keeping up with events!

A compact keyboard featuring command keys located on either side of the display. Buttons feature standard key combinations* and tactile Braille cells for easier navigation; additionally it includes a thumb key which lets you perform similar commands as the spacebar.

Connect 12‘s Prodigi software brings your favorite apps to life – from educational tools like dictionary and reading compression, study skills such as notes and highlighters, Android OS accessibility features and productivity tools, and working with multiple applications at the same time – to its robust text-to-speech engine, highly accurate optical character recognition (OCR) engine, and three calculators designed specifically to assist with any tasks at hand.

Your Brailliant display allows you to sync notes from GMail, IMAP and similar servers directly, giving you access to email independently while also saving and transferring files. Plus you’ve got built-in calendar, alarm clock and calculator features for extra organization!

This display comes equipped with a hard case that fits snugly, protecting it from potential damage and making it easy for those on the move to carry their display with them. Plus, its ergonomic leather design makes it comfortable and easy to grip!

The Brailliant BI 40 supports several keyboard shortcuts in NVDA; for more details regarding their location please consult its documentation.

Brailliant B 80

The Brailliant B 80 brings together the speed, accuracy, and reliability of HumanWare’s tactile braille display with modern keyboard responsiveness in a highly intuitive layout featuring command keys on either side of the screen that duplicate all standard key combinations* for controlling NVDA without taking your hands away from its display.

NVDA automatically detects the serial port to which this display is connected and allows you to choose its driver in the Braille Settings dialog. If it doesn’t display, disconnect and reconnect your braille display after exiting NVDA for some time; wait a moment then rejoin.

By default, the tethered review cursor follows the System caret and focus; however, you can easily change its behavior to follow object navigation or text review instead. Announces which line of text the review cursor is located, while pressing key again spells it using character descriptions.

About the Author:
Picture of Alexander Suprun

Alexander Suprun

Alex started his first web marketing campaign in 1997 and continues harvesting this fruitful field today. He helped many startups and well-established companies to grow to the next level by applying innovative inbound marketing strategies. For the past 26 years, Alex has served over a hundred clients worldwide in all aspects of digital marketing and communications.


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