Best Eye Vitamins For Wet Macular Degeneration

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best eye vitamins for wet macular degeneration

Macular degeneration is a progressive eye condition that can eventually lead to blindness in the center of your vision. A combination of specific vitamins and minerals may help delay its progress; wet AMD being particularly susceptible.

Search for a formula that meets the guidelines set forth by AREDS 2 study and contains FloraGLO lutein at 5:1. Additionally, make sure that its label does not contain beta-carotene as this has been removed from its formulation for this study.


Lutein and zeaxanthin are carotenoids (pigments from various fruits and vegetables), considered valuable supplements for eye health. Studies suggest they could possibly help prevent age related eye conditions as well as maintain vision – studies even indicate those consuming higher quantities of lutein and zeaxanthin are at reduced risk of advanced wet macular degeneration.

Lutein and zeaxanthin belong to a class of pigments called xanthophylls that contain oxygen-containing carotenes like beta-carotene and lycopene, providing protection for central vision by filtering out harmful high-energy blue light waves. Both pigments can be found at high levels in the macular region of your eye where central vision occurs, thought to protect from retina damage by filtering out these harmful high energy blue light waves.

Lutein not only acts as an antioxidant but it is also essential for maintaining healthy eyes. Lutein helps form pigments which bind directly to retina and reflect light back towards the back of the eye for focus; additionally it blocks light from reaching retina which may otherwise cause damage.

These effects are caused by protein Scavenger Receptor Class B Type 1 (SR-B1). According to research published in August 2008 in Journal of Lipid Research, this SR-B1 protein plays a key role in transporting lutein and zeaxanthin to retina. When blocked, absorption was significantly decreased.

Studies published in “The British Journal of Ophthalmology” reported in February 2010 revealed that patients suffering from wet macular degeneration who consumed lutein and zeaxanthin together experienced significantly decreased risks of central vision loss – this combination proved as effective as Eylea, the only FDA approved medication currently for treating wet macular degeneration.

AREDS 2 was the first study to demonstrate that taking both lutein and zeaxanthin together could be as effective or more so than placebo for treating wet macular degeneration. Many multivitamins for macular degeneration already contain both nutrients, with some even including additional ingredients like lycopene.


Other than lutein, two other primary carotenoids found in retina (and specifically, macula) include zeaxanthin and meso-zeaxanthin; collectively these form macular pigment (MP). MP filters out blue light waves which could damage eyesight further while exacerbating conditions like macular degeneration or cataracts; it also acts as natural protection from oxidative stress in eyes.

Both lutein and zeaxanthin can be found naturally within our bodies, or taken as nutritional supplements. Studies have demonstrated that individuals who consume diets rich in these vitamins are less likely to develop macular degeneration than those who don’t; additionally, when combined with an effective eye care regime they could have even greater benefit on improving or maintaining vision health.

Macular degeneration affects millions of people globally, with its effects primarily being felt on the central retina of the eye, responsible for providing crisp and clear central vision. Although peripheral vision may remain intact, loss of central vision makes reading, driving a car or recognizing faces or details impossible; often deteriorating gradually until life cannot continue without vision impairment.

Though macular degeneration supplements cannot reverse damage caused by wet macular degeneration, they can help slow its progress and may help ease discomfort associated with it. Discuss with your physician whether these supplements could help your case.

Genentech’s faricimab-svoa is providing wet macular degeneration patients with hope. It works by blocking a protein in the eye that causes new blood vessels to form and leak fluid into the retina, helping improve vision with less injections or treatment sessions than other options available for this condition. Faricimab-svoa represents an innovative breakthrough treatment option to maintain quality of life while slowing progression of this degenerative condition.


Zinc is a trace mineral essential for proper functioning of the human body, found naturally in food sources like meat, dairy products, fish and whole grains. Zinc supplements are available as single tablet daily vitamin and mineral pills from over-the-counter vendors; most formulations use chelated forms (e.g. zinc L-aspartate and Zinc Monomethionine). Zinc also has direct antiviral and antibacterial activity that makes it an excellent cold remedy.

Wet form macular degeneration occurs when abnormal blood vessels leak fluid or blood, leading to blurred and distorted vision. While the wet form only accounts for 10% of cases of macular degeneration overall, its progress can move more quickly and even lead to permanent vision loss. Regular dilated eye exams are the best way to detect changes in vision; an eye care professional will also be able to diagnose wet macular degeneration as well as suggest treatments appropriate to each case.

According to National Eye Institute trials known as AREDS and AREDS 2, taking daily supplements of specific vitamins and minerals has been found to lower risk of progression to advanced AMD by 33%. Along with supplements, retina specialists advise eating a well-rounded diet including leafy greens, yellow, orange and dark fruits and vegetables; quitting smoking; wearing wide-brimmed hats when outdoors; using sunscreen; and limiting exposure to direct sunlight.

Bausch and Lomb PreserVision is an over-the-counter daily eye vitamin and mineral supplement which utilizes the Age-Related Eye Disease Study (AREDS) formula, proven clinically effective. However, its formulation was slightly modified from its original version (which included beta-carotene) due to fears that smoking might increase risk for lung cancer; but still includes important antioxidant vitamins C & E along with lutein and zeaxanthin for maximum results. Ideally take two soft gels of Bausch & Lomb PreserVision daily alongside meals in order for maximum effectiveness of this supplement.

Vitamins A, C and E

Macular degeneration is an eye condition affecting the macula, located along the inner back wall of your retina. It’s one of the leading causes of legal blindness among Americans over 55 and more common than cataracts or glaucoma, leading to central vision deterioration while side vision remains relatively unaffected. Macular degeneration occurs gradually over time with two forms atrophic (dry) and exudative (wet), so regular eye exams as well as OCT scans and fluorescein angiography help detect early signs.

The Age Related Macular Degeneration Research Study 2 (AREDS 2) revealed that certain vitamins, minerals and antioxidants could lower your risk of progressing to advanced macular degeneration. These components include lutein, zeaxanthin, zinc and vitamins C and E – considered the “gold standard” by retinal specialists who advise their patients to take high quality dietary supplements that contain all six components. An effective macular degeneration supplement must contain natural carotenoids like lycopene for optimal effectiveness. Look for products containing FloraGLO lutein at the appropriate ratio (5-1 with zeaxanthin) plus additional items to support eye and whole-body wellness; Preserve Mac Forte Advanced meets this criteria perfectly.

Studies have demonstrated the value of eating more green leafy vegetables, yellow and orange fruits and vegetables as part of a diet rich in these food groups to lower your risk of macular degeneration and preserve vision. Furthermore, it’s essential to avoid smoking, wear wide brimmed hats to protect from ultraviolet light exposure, limit sun exposure and tanning bed use as well as participate in regular physical activity if possible – this increases chances of keeping vision for as long as possible! Regular exercise also can improve odds.

About the Author:
Picture of Alexander Suprun

Alexander Suprun

Alex started his first web marketing campaign in 1997 and continues harvesting this fruitful field today. He helped many startups and well-established companies to grow to the next level by applying innovative inbound marketing strategies. For the past 26 years, Alex has served over a hundred clients worldwide in all aspects of digital marketing and communications. Additionally, Alex is an expert researcher in healthcare, vision, macular degeneration, natural therapy, and microcurrent devices. His passion lies in developing medical devices to combat various ailments, showcasing his commitment to innovation in healthcare.


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