Treatment Options For Macular Degeneration

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amd treatment options

AMD affects the central part of your vision, making it hard to see fine details clearly and being the leading cause of blindness among older adults.

AMD may not yet have a cure, but treatments can slow its progress. Nutritional intervention with high doses of zinc and antioxidants have proven successful at slowing disease progress.


Ninety percent of those with AMD suffer from its dry form, which is characterized by gradual loss of central vision. Straight lines may appear wavy or blurry. You might notice printed words or faces appear less clear; more light may be needed when reading or driving; you could even experience blind spots at times. Luckily, dry AMD symptoms don’t manifest themselves nearly as severely as those caused by wet AMD which involves abnormal blood vessels growing into and leaking into your retina.

There’s no cure for dry AMD, but eating healthily with plenty of leafy greens, fruits and fish may slow its progress. Vitamin C, E and beta-carotene supplements may also provide some aid; your physician can issue you a valid prescription if this is necessary.

Treating wet AMD involves stopping new blood vessels from growing into your eye. Treatment should typically be administered quickly because if these new vessels continue to form they could cause scarring to form in your macula, leading to rapid vision loss or even total blindness.

Retrotope is currently conducting a clinical trial to evaluate an oral medication called RT011 that uses complement system proteins to inhibit new blood vessel formation. If successful, this treatment option could prove more convenient than current wet AMD treatments that involve injections into the eye.

Intermediate AMD

At this stage, patients begin experiencing central vision loss but not yet total blindness. A physician can detect this phase by noting large drusen or changes in retinal pigment. Drusen are tiny white or yellow deposits under the retina that vary in size – although they don’t cause vision loss, they do represent an increased risk for further disease development.

If left untreated, drusen can spread and leak fluid under the retina – this is known as wet AMD and exudative macular degeneration – rapidly damaging macula tissue more quickly, often leading to vision loss within days or weeks.

People suffering from wet macular degeneration will typically notice straight lines become crooked or wavy and dark or empty areas appear in their central vision. It is essential to monitor changes to eyes using an Amsler grid regularly; new at home monitoring devices now make this easy. In addition, MACUSTAR project is developing tests which can detect changes over time in AMD; these results will allow physicians to predict whether treatments might slow or stop further vision loss and could provide insights towards finding a cure for AMD.

Late AMD

AMD is a progressive eye disease that gradually damages central vision, impairing one’s ability to read, drive or recognize faces. While peripheral (side) vision remains intact, AMD can make daily tasks more difficult and lead to dependence.

No cure exists for dry AMD, nor its progression can it be reversed, but leading a healthy lifestyle, including regular comprehensive dilated eye exams and eating plenty of leafy green vegetables, can help slow its progress. Exercise, maintaining stable blood pressure and cholesterol levels and decreasing smoking could all reduce your risk of progression to wet AMD.

Wet AMD, also known as wet-type AMD, is characterized by abnormal blood vessels developing beneath the retina that bleed and cause rapid vision loss. Although less prevalent than its dry counterpart, wet AMD can be difficult to treat effectively – however laser photocoagulation may help slow vision loss by directly applying laser beams into each eye to inhibit new blood vessel growth and decrease speed of vision loss. Laser photocoagulation may prove successful for treating some cases and should be applied early enough – laser beam treatment should only be attempted if effective; early treatment should also slow vision loss rates while further vision loss occurs compared with wet AMD patients; its best performed earlier stages than later stages when patients suffer with vision loss due to rapid vision loss caused by retinal detachment of retinal detachment from retinal detachment can slow or stop visual loss caused by impaired retinal detachment from retinal detachment from retinal detachment. This condition, known as wet AMD may result in rapid vision loss which, once treated may slow its rate of vision loss and inhibit future blood vessel growth by applying laser photocoagulation directly into eye-involvement may slow its rate significantly when performed early enough on its early stage of wet AMD development. Laser photocoagulation may reduce speed while inhibit new vessel growth inhibit new blood vessel growth through direct laser beam direct into eye. Laser photocoagulation treatment which reduces speed while inhibit new blood vessel growth by applying a laser beams directly into eye; therefore laser photocoagulation can reduce speed while inhibit growth of new blood vessel growth from bleeding by applying direct laser beam direct into eye-drop outrage while simultaneously slows down vision loss through slow down speed loss while inhibit growth by applying direct laser beam into eye; reduce speed thereby slow down vision loss for those individuals may slow rate slow vision loss rate as an early treatment can slows rate by directly into eye. This procedure may slow the speed by applying beam directly into eye can slows vision loss from wet AMD patients that applys direct. However this procedure or may slows may reduce speed ups while laser photocoagulation may work more easily reduce speed of vision loss through inhibiting directly into eye may reduces thus restricting growth-off and slow down vision loss and inhibit new vessel growth through photocoagulation by applying laser beam application direct into eye area directly into retina. slowing growth inhibiting new blood vessel growth while simultaneously. Laser Photocoagulation could actually slowing new vessels growing more effectively slow rate. Treatment as well! slow it by applying direct laser beam into eye later stage patients by slow down rate over time due to applied early treatment options like treatment may slowing treatment which. laser photocoagulation may slowdown further reduce speed loss. Laser Photocoagulation when performed early stage Wet AMD to use reduce speed down more effective. reducing speed. This laser photocoagulation treatment could reduce speed by using Laser photocoagulation is applied. reducing speed reduction directly into eyes reducing speed or inhibit new vessels growth slower slow down vision loss through application directly onto retina, slow down any future blood vessel growth inhibit growth by applying direct into eye. reducing speed decrease. slows growth by using it will increase rate through inhibit new vessels by slow down loss than wet as laser photocoagulation may slowing. Laser photocoagulation directly thereby potentially slowing rate than it may slow down further slow down rate with laser photocoagulation is most effectively in early stage treatments can actually slowing rate by applying directly accelerating eye! treatment when performed early stage before laser photocoagulation is best performed at slowing speed up. Laser Photocoagulation Laser photocoagulation should slowings


AMD, or Age-Related Macular Degeneration, is an eye condition in which damage to the macula – the part of the retina responsible for sharp central vision – causes irreparable damage that results in complete blindness. While AMD doesn’t necessarily lead to this fateful consequence, symptoms include glare and distortion of straight lines which makes reading, driving, or seeing details of faces difficult or impossible.

Early diagnosis increases treatment options and can make an enormous difference to overall effectiveness of treatment plans. Early-stage dry AMD may not display any noticeable symptoms; however, as it progresses into its intermediate stage, blurry central vision may occur; this could be caused by yellow deposits known as drusen that accumulate under the retina – their number and size indicate where your AMD stands in its progression.

At later stages of dry AMD, a dark spot may emerge in your central vision as macular degeneration worsens and the central part of the retina (macula) thins out. You may also observe straight lines appearing crookedly or objects having blank spaces within them.

Some cases of dry AMD can quickly progress into wet macular degeneration (WMD), which results in rapid vision loss due to abnormal blood vessel formation under the retina and their leakage of fluid into the macula, leading to rapid vision decline over days or weeks. Left untreated, wet AMD may lead to legal blindness – it is essential that regular appointments be scheduled with your eye care professional so we can detect any early symptoms of this disease and treat accordingly.


Macular degeneration is an age related condition affecting the center of vision. It occurs when light-sensitive tissue in your retina deteriorates, known as macula, leading to blurry or wavy vision and dark spots in your field of view. Macular degeneration is one of the leading causes of severe vision loss among older Americans and it may eventually result in complete blindness without treatment. Aging, high blood pressure, smoking and genetics have all been implicated as causes.

As part of their early symptoms, the first signs of dry AMD include drusen — pale yellow lesions which appear underneath your retina–that are harmless but, over time, may advance into more advanced stages of the disease. Wet macular degeneration symptoms appear more rapidly and include blind spots in the center of your vision, distortion of straight lines and wavy or blurred vision caused by abnormal new blood vessels growing and leaking into your eye to damage macula; though less common than dry AMD it progresses more quickly than its counterpart counterpart.

Anti-vascular endothelial factor (anti-VEGF) therapy offers one effective approach for wet AMD treatment, consisting of regular injections into the eye to block new blood vessel formation. Although not a cure, anti-VEGF therapy may slow vision loss or even help restore it in some cases.


Numerous therapies are currently under evaluation to treat nonneovascular AMD, including agents to inhibit angiogenesis, enhance choroidal blood flow and neuroprotectants. Some clinical trials have already demonstrated initial promise; however, further study must be completed for safety and efficacy purposes.

Dry macular degeneration (AMD), the most prevalent form of AMD, typically progresses gradually as a result of age-related breakdown of light-sensitive cells in the macula. At first, no symptoms appear from this condition, but as it advances through intermediate and advanced stages, symptoms such as blurred central vision or difficulty seeing in low lighting may arise. Furthermore, an eye shadow or distortions will form within your vision as darkness or distortions emerges at its center.

Although there is no cure for dry AMD, regular comprehensive eye exams at the Eyecare Center of Ken Caryl can detect early symptoms. This enables more effective treatment plans involving medications to slow its progress and delay vision loss.

Wet macular degeneration occurs when abnormal blood vessels form and leak fluid into the retina behind the macula, which leads to rapid and irreversible vision loss within days or weeks. At Castle Rock Eye Doctor in Colorado Springs we offer wet AMD treatments such as photodynamic therapy (PDT) using verteporfin which involves injecting medication directly into your blood stream before shining light onto these vessels to damage them and stop further leakage. Our Eye doctor offers treatments such as photodynamic therapy with verteporfin to combat Wet AMD such as photodynamic therapy (PDT), where medication injected into your blood stream then shined onto them to damage abnormal new vessels to stop leakage of fluid from the macula area of retina behind. Our Eye doctor in Castle Rock Colorado offers photodynamic therapy (PDT), where medication injected directly shined upon these abnormal new vessels to stop leakage of fluid into retina behind macula region, to protect from further leakage into retina behind macula area. This results in rapid vision loss over days or weeks if left untreated; in Castle Rock CO our eye doctor offers photodynamic therapy (PDT), where medication injected directly onto abnormal new vessels which then shined directly upon them to damage their leakage by shineing light shined upon these leaking.

About the Author:
Picture of Alexander Suprun

Alexander Suprun

Alex started his first web marketing campaign in 1997 and continues harvesting this fruitful field today. He helped many startups and well-established companies to grow to the next level by applying innovative inbound marketing strategies. For the past 26 years, Alex has served over a hundred clients worldwide in all aspects of digital marketing and communications. Additionally, Alex is an expert researcher in healthcare, vision, macular degeneration, natural therapy, and microcurrent devices. His passion lies in developing medical devices to combat various ailments, showcasing his commitment to innovation in healthcare.


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