Stargardt Eye Disease Treatment

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This 36-year-old patient suffers from Stargardt disease and has central vision of 20/400 in each eye. Fundus autofluorescence scans show dark areas indicative of retinal pigment epithelium atrophy (yellow arrows).

Mutations in the ABCA4 gene cause Stargardt disease and lead to an accumulation of lipofuscin toxins in the retinal pigment epithelium, leading to decreased visual acuity and color vision.

1. Medications

Stargardt disease is an inherited form of macular degeneration that gradually leads to central vision loss beginning during childhood or adolescence, resulting in difficulty reading, recognising faces or facial expressions, driving safely, adapting quickly in dimly lit environments following sunny days, or reading texts with small text font sizes. It’s difficult for these patients to read at all without difficulty because reading can become increasingly challenging as their central vision gradually decreases over time.

Although no cure exists for stargardt disease, some medications may help slow its rate of central visual acuity decline. Dietary supplements containing vitamins C and E, lutein and zinc have been shown to slow its rate. Research studies have also demonstrated how small doses of echothiophate iodide could potentially improve vision in some individuals with this condition.

This compound works by blocking a protein responsible for breaking down acetylcholine in retinal cells, increasing levels of the chemical in your eye and thus improving dimly lit conditions as well as color vision. You may either take or apply the medication directly onto your eyes.

Echothiophate iodide and other medications are currently under investigation for treating Stargardt’s disease. Brimonidine and pilocarpine can increase eye cell acetylcholine levels to improve visual acuity and color perception; however, these may also cause side effects like dry eye syndrome and glare.

Suprachoroidal injection (Xipere), an advanced new drug delivery system, can deliver drugs directly into the fluid-filled space behind the macula to treat macular edema and other eye conditions such as diabetic macular edema. It has already proven its worth treating wet age-related macular degeneration, diabetic macular edema and other retinal diseases using this revolutionary delivery system.

Stargardt’s disease is caused by genetic mutations; researchers in the Netherlands have developed antisense oligonucleotides as a possible treatment option, which prevent progressive loss of vision associated with this disorder by binding to and reregulating targeted RNA molecules.

Acucela Inc. is conducting the SeaSTAR study to assess the efficacy of their drug, emixustat, in treating Stargardt’s disease – an inherited form of macular degeneration with visual acuity reduced to 20/200 or worse that currently does not have FDA-approved treatments available in the US. Emixustat will be evaluated safely and effectively against Stargardt’s progression through this clinical trial.

2. Sunglasses

Stargardt eye disease occurs when mutations of genes cause the retina to no longer function normally, typically affecting its central portion called the macula. Usually manifesting between childhood and adolescence, Stargardt causes central vision loss but doesn’t result in complete blindness; peripheral vision remains intact.

No cure exists for Stargardt’s, but certain devices can assist those living with it to maintain their independence. Electronic magnifiers allow readers to access books, mail and printed materials easily while TOPAZ desktop video magnifiers allow users to see the screen of their computer or smartphone more clearly. Furthermore, speech-to-text products enable reading documents or graphic-based text into a computer and audibly speak it back out aloud.

Sunglasses can help protect eyes from harmful ultraviolet rays and slow the progression of Stargardt’s. However, diet plays an equally vital role in helping prevent macular degeneration; multiple studies have confirmed this recommendation by showing those with lower intakes of antioxidants in their diet or who take supplements with more Vitamin A than is recommended daily allowance are at greater risk for advanced macular degeneration.

New research indicates that low consumption of anti-oxidants combined with exposure to blue light (HEV) could raise the risk of macular degeneration. Blue light rays can inhibit production of an essential retinal protein which keeps the retina functioning normally, thus raising its risk.

Even though HEV exposure has recently been linked to macular degeneration, more research needs to be conducted in order to establish other potential causes. Researchers are studying possible links between retinitis pigmentosa and mutations of gene RP1L1, or Stargardt’s treatment using AAV for Stargardt’s, and its potential “spillover effects for treating retinitis pigmentosa. Although these inquiries remain in their early stages and no known treatments exist at present for RP, several companies have developed high-tech glasses in order to treat macular degeneration and related conditions more effectively.

3. Low-Vision Aids

Stargardt disease is an hereditary condition that leads to gradual vision loss in children and young adults, most often through macular degeneration affecting rods and cones in the macula, an area of retina which contains an extremely dense concentration of light-sensing cells known as rods and cones. Symptoms include blurry or wavy vision, blind spots and impaired color vision as well as being extremely sensitive to glare.

Stargardt disease is caused by mutations to the ABCA4 gene and leads to photoreceptor cell degeneration, leading to blurry central vision with intact peripheral vision. Most often Stargardt is diagnosed in children or adolescence when signs of vision loss first become noticeable.

While no cure exists for Stargardt disease, several therapies have been developed to slow its progression of vision loss. These include medications like metformin that has shown promise in slowing vision loss in mice. Researchers continue their search for effective Stargardt disease treatments.

Low-vision aids are also available to Stargardt disease patients in order to regain independence at home, work and school. These devices can assist with reading, writing, computer use and other tasks; driving assistance; cooking assistance as well as assistance for driving and cooking activities. TOPAZ desktop video magnifiers and screen magnification software allow users to see images easily on computers, websites or videos.

Many individuals with Stargardt disease find it emotionally challenging to accept the diagnosis. To cope, it’s essential that all feelings be expressed to a support network such as family members, support groups or professional counselors. Furthermore, connecting with others affected by this disease as well as taking advantage of available online resources may provide invaluable assistance and comfort. It can be particularly hard on families when children are diagnosed. Genetic counseling may provide insight into inheritance patterns of Stargardt and determine their risk of passing it down through generations.

4. Laser Treatment

Stargardt’s disease occurs when fatty deposits build up under the macula, the part of retina needed for clear central vision. This build-up may lead to blurry or distorted vision as well as interfere with color perception and perception overall. Symptoms usually first emerge during childhood or adolescence. If you or your child experiences changes in central vision, seek medical help immediately – an ophthalmologist will take a fundus photograph and check for fatty deposits as well as ineffective cones; should any be found, a diagnosis of Stargardt’s disease will be made.

Disease of the macula (macular degeneration) results from genetic mutations which cause proteins to block nutrients and waste from reaching light-sensing cells known as rods and cones. Over time, these cells degenerate, leading to vision deterioration. Functional vision may remain for some years until enough photoreceptors degenerate that low vision aids are required.

This eye condition is caused by genetic mutations to the ABCA4 gene that provide instructions for making retinaldehyde transport protein involved in visual cycle processes by transporting retinaldehyde to retinal pigment epithelium (RPE). As a result, mutations result in accumulation of lipofuscin waste products, leading to degeneration and vision loss.

New clinical evidence indicates that low dose echothiophate iodide can improve BCVA and color vision in those suffering from Stargardt’s disease. The trial employed MCO-010 ophthalmic drug to test six Stargardt patients with ABCA4 mutations who all displayed central macular atrophy on fundus autofluorescence scans as well as World Health Organization visual impairment ratings of blind in their right eye and count fingers (CF) impairment in their left.

Participants were treated with 6 monthly MCO-010 sessions on both eyes. An average BCVA gain was achieved, as was color vision improvement by an equivalent amount. No adverse side effects or complications were reported and this trial marks its successful execution as the first to show improvement in Stargardt’s disease; furthermore, its findings could also prove beneficial against dry age-related macular degeneration and retinitis pigmentosa.

About the Author:
Picture of Alexander Suprun

Alexander Suprun

Alex started his first web marketing campaign in 1997 and continues harvesting this fruitful field today. He helped many startups and well-established companies to grow to the next level by applying innovative inbound marketing strategies. For the past 26 years, Alex has served over a hundred clients worldwide in all aspects of digital marketing and communications. Additionally, Alex is an expert researcher in healthcare, vision, macular degeneration, natural therapy, and microcurrent devices. His passion lies in developing medical devices to combat various ailments, showcasing his commitment to innovation in healthcare.


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