Stargardt Eye Disease Cure

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One patient with Stargardt disease saw significant improvements to central vision following treatment with echothiophate iodide. This compound helps increase acetylcholine levels, thus improving macular function.

Dutch researchers are developing an antisense oligonucleotide treatment aimed at targeting ABCA4 gene mutations responsible for Stargardt macular dystrophy and thus reduce lipofuscin accumulation within retinal pigment epithelium cells.

Cholinergic Therapy

Stargardt eye disease treatments remain far off, though several research efforts are currently underway in an effort to find effective remedies. Stargardt disease is an autosomal recessive form of macular degeneration which typically begins during childhood or adolescence and gradually causes central vision to decline while peripheral vision remains normal. Fat deposits build up beneath the macula as its cone cells cease functioning correctly, leading to blurriness or distortion and colors appearing washed-out across central fields of vision and colors appearing washed-out altogether.

Stargardt disease can typically be identified based on symptoms like difficulty reading, seeing faces or objects close up and driving. Although the progression varies from person to person, central visual acuity typically decreases until reaching World Health Organization definition of legal blindness.

As with other macular degenerations, those suffering from Stargardt disease are susceptible to developing new blood vessels that supply their retina with fluid and nutrients, often leaking like those seen with wet age-related macular degeneration. Therefore, some treatments such as anti-VEGF therapy injections may be administered.

Another solution for treating stargardt eye disease may include wearing UV protective sunglasses and restricting any supplements with more than the recommended daily allowance of vitamin A, which could accelerate eye degeneration. Unfortunately, this treatment won’t help every person living with the disorder as it only slows its rate of progression in some instances.

Experimental therapies used to treat Stargardt eye disease may include gene therapy, stem cell treatment or photodynamic therapy. Recently, Moorfields Eye Hospital in London will conduct Europe’s inaugural clinical trial using stem cell treatments on 12 participants who also are taking part in a placebo controlled study on bromfenic acid which has been proven to slow macular degeneration.


Stargardt disease occurs when fat deposits form underneath the retina’s macula, leading to gradual vision loss over time. This hereditary condition also may result in reduced color vision; its exact effects vary between individuals but typically emerge sometime during childhood or adolescence.

An optical macular degeneration disease known as macular scotoma causes central blurriness (scotomas or smudges) and distortion of straight lines, making reading or driving more challenging. It may also lead to lack of detail in the center of vision and difficulty detecting objects moving or changing position – eventually progressing to legal blindness for people over 60. Macular degeneration usually inherits from parents through autosomal recessive gene mutation, although juvenile retinoschisis could cause similar changes.

Stargardt’s may not have a cure, but there are ways to slow its progress and protect vision. Patients can avoid direct sun exposure by wearing sunglasses and a hat as well as eating foods rich in omega-3s and antioxidants. Furthermore, patients should get enough rest, exercise and remain mentally engaged to maintain brain health.

Biofeedback therapy may be beneficial to those living with Stargardt’s. The technique uses a computer to show visible letters on a screen and allow patients to practice focusing their attention on these points in order to improve visual acuity. A clinical trial showed that biofeedback therapy increased visual acuity among Stargardt’s patients by an average of 10 letters over time.

Immunosuppression may also help treat Stargardt’s, by suppressing immune systems and decreasing inflammation associated with macular degeneration. Such drugs are frequently used by kidney transplant patients; examples include basiliximab, immunosuppressant cyclosporine or prolonged-release tacrolimus which may be administered either orally or intravitreally – however further research will need to be completed on whether such approaches would work in Stargardt’s patients as treatments.

Stem Cell Injections

Stargardt disease is an hereditary retinal pathology that typically appears during childhood or adolescence. The disease afflicts the central region (macular zone), leading to loss of central vision and color perception impairments as a result. Stargardt’s development occurs as cone receptor cells on retina deteriorate over time.

The retina is an intricate organ composed of various types of cells with specific functions. For instance, retinal pigment epithelium cells convert light waves to cell signals processed by the brain for processing by Stargardt’s disease patients. A recent study conducted by scientists involved injecting stem cells into two Stargardt patients’ eyes for restoration of damaged RPE cells and improved function, possibly leading to the development of a cure for Stargardt’s.

Stem cells possess the extraordinary capability of differentiating into various cell types, making them an invaluable source for treating eye diseases. Furthermore, using stem cells circumvents ethical concerns raised by embryonic stem cell research; researchers have used induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS) in treating leukemia patients, autoimmune conditions and more recently macular degeneration sufferers blindness correction.

Stargardt’s disease occurs due to mutations in the ABCA4 gene that cause accumulations of lipofuscin in retinal pigment epithelium cells, leading to blurry vision and eventually leading to blindness. Multiple pharmaceutical companies have produced anti-VEGF injections which block vascular endothelial growth factor which may cause leaks or bleeding of fluid into macula, while also providing anti-lipofuscin injections which inhibit production of lipofuscin and slow its accumulation.

Another promising approach to macular degeneration treatment is gene therapy. Scientists are working on creating an approach similar to Leber congenital amaurosis treatment that will restore damaged macula cells with new ones – similar to Leber congenital amaurosis treatment. Discuss these treatments with your physician to see whether or not they’re the right ones for you; before any stem cell procedure your physician will perform a comprehensive physical exam and inquire into any allergies related to medications or anesthesia; also let them know if you’re taking vitamins or supplements from outside sources.


Revascularization refers to the restoration of perfusion to tissues or organs following an episode of ischemia (lack of blood flow). Revascularization techniques used by physicians include vascular bypass surgery and angioplasty; clinical trials have demonstrated its benefits in improving vision for people living with Stargardt disease.

Stargardt disease is an inherited form of macular degeneration that attacks the macula at the central portion of retina. Its hallmark feature is an accumulation of lipofuscin within its cells – caused by mutations to the ABCA4 gene – eventually leading to vision loss and eventual blindness.

Symptoms of AMD usually start appearing during childhood or adolescence and progress gradually over time. Children may notice blind spots in their visual field or have trouble reading, recognizing images, and perceiving colors.

Patients diagnosed with Stargardt’s disease must learn compensatory strategies to adapt to visual impairments. They should wear tinted lenses, take vitamin supplements and visit their eye doctor on an ongoing basis. Depending on the severity of their condition, special low vision rehabilitation services may also be needed, including learning to use magnifiers or bioptic telescopic lenses to reduce blind spots; adapting to dim lighting conditions; and training adaptive skills.

Nanoscope Therapeutics has begun work on a treatment for stargardt eye disease. Their RESTORE trial will start in 2022 and six-month results should become available by early 2023.

Aldeyra Pharmaceuticals is developing therapeutic pharmaceutical solutions. Their product candidate targets Stargardt disease, dry age-related macular degeneration and proliferative vitreoretinopathy; while also being targeted against geographic atrophy and diabetic macular edema.

One case study on a patient diagnosed with Stargardt disease revealed that treatment with echothiophate iodide improved her visual acuity and color vision. She showed no other signs or symptoms related to Stargardt, other than mild astigmatism and regular birth control pill usage.

About the Author:
Picture of Alexander Suprun

Alexander Suprun

Alex started his first web marketing campaign in 1997 and continues harvesting this fruitful field today. He helped many startups and well-established companies to grow to the next level by applying innovative inbound marketing strategies. For the past 26 years, Alex has served over a hundred clients worldwide in all aspects of digital marketing and communications. Additionally, Alex is an expert researcher in healthcare, vision, macular degeneration, natural therapy, and microcurrent devices. His passion lies in developing medical devices to combat various ailments, showcasing his commitment to innovation in healthcare.


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