New Treatments For Macular Degeneration Are on the Way

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The wet form of macular degeneration is characterized by abnormal blood vessel growth under the retina that leak fluid and scar the macula. Drugs known as anti-angiogenics, like Avastin and Lucentis, known as anti-angiogenic agents are designed to stop this expansion by blocking VEGF protein.

A team supported by CIRM has designed local sustained delivery implants that deliver these drugs directly into the eye, leading to some patients reporting signs of improved vision.

Laser Surgery

Laser surgery employs an intense beam of light to target tissue that may become cancerous over time, and has also been employed in preventive surgeries to remove polyps in the digestive tract that could develop into cancer later. Different kinds of lasers have been utilized both during eye surgery and skin procedures – carbon dioxide and argon lasers being specifically useful as carbon dioxide lasers cut tissue without incision, while others coagulate blood vessels to reduce bleeding during surgery, or be sent through narrow passages or placed inside endoscopes (slim tube-like devices used to see inside your throat).

Laser surgery has become a widely utilized procedure to correct vision. It is less invasive than traditional methods and has lower risks of infection, while lasers can also activate chemicals used as photosensitizing agents to create photodynamic therapy, an approach used to kill cancerous cells within the body.

Laser surgery to reshape the cornea is known as LASIK; other surgeries utilizing lasers include femtosecond laser cataract surgery, phototherapeutic keratectomy and laser iridotomy. Lasers may also be used to relieve increased pressure within an eye due to acute angle-closure glaucoma by punching holes into its iris; they may also activate medications used to treat it.

Surgical lasers can also be utilized during heart surgery to clear away plaque build-up from arteries and decrease risk of heart attack or stroke. This process typically involves inserting a tiny television camera with an optical fiber into blood vessel and sending bursts of laser light that quickly dislodge plaque accumulations from within it.

Some lasers can also be used to remove birthmarks and tattoos from the skin. Warts, sun damage and keloids can also be removed using laser surgery; simply follow your physician’s instructions after laser surgery on how best to care for the area and whether any antibiotic ointments should be applied. Most insurance policies don’t cover cosmetic surgery procedures but some procedures might qualify if used to help manage medical issues like vascular lesions or severe arthritis.


Researchers have recently discovered two drugs can stop and reverse macular degeneration-related vision loss. Lucentis (ranibizumab) and its chemical cousin Avastin have both proven successful at stopping macular degeneration’s devastating visual loss; both work by blocking abnormal blood vessel growth under the retina that leaks blood or fluid, leading to scarring and speeding up vision loss – these treatments are called anti-VEGF treatments.

These medications, when administered intraocularly, block blood vessel growth that leads to wet macular degeneration. They often come combined with photosensitizing drugs which are activated when laser light targets specific vessels; one such medication, Visudyne, utilizes both a photosensitizing agent and an anti-VEGF medication; it was the first successful treatment for wet macular degeneration and can significantly improve and preserve vision in many patients.

New medications target vascular endothelial growth factor, or VEGF, a protein found in the eye that stimulates new blood vessel growth. Anti-VEGF macular degeneration treatments (angiogenic agents), also known as macular degeneration treatments for wet form AMD, have been found to significantly decrease risk and slow progression from early AMD stages into advanced AMD as well as reduce blindness risk significantly. They are currently available from doctors as intravitreal injections.

Although wet macular degeneration is less prevalent, it often results in rapid and serious vision loss. People living with wet macular degeneration may notice a blurred spot in the center of their central vision that gradually grows larger and darker; its name refers to blood and fluid leaking under their retina causing this condition that creates what looks like missing areas in the central vision.

A study from the National Institutes of Health known as AREDS Study has discovered that eating more lutein, zeaxanthin, and omega 3 fatty acids may help delay macular degeneration progression while decreasing your risk. When discussing appropriate diet changes with your doctor it’s essential that they offer guidance regarding optimal eating plans for you and your specific situation.

Surgical Implants

Now available are new treatments for age-related macular degeneration that offer hope of improving vision. They rely on improved understanding of its pathogenesis, advances in instrumental technology and groundbreaking drug therapies – none of which restore lost sight but significantly slow the rate of visual deterioration.

Dry macular degeneration (AMD), the most prevalent form of macular degeneration, causes blurry central vision as the macula gets thinner over time and cannot be treated to reverse its decline. Unfortunately, dry AMD offers no solution for reverseing its progression into blindness. Wet macular degeneration, however, may become much more serious and can even lead to blindness; new blood vessels form beneath the retina and leak blood into the macula, damaging macula cells and leading to vision loss; wet AMD can be treated effectively using medications which inhibit formation of new blood vessels under the retina; wet AMD cannot.

Anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (anti-VEGF) agents have proven highly effective at managing wet AMD. These medications, made up of fragments of protein molecules that bind with and block the activity of VEGF, are administered as intravitreal injections directly into the vitreous cavity inside of eyeball. They should usually be given on a monthly basis.

Humanized single-chain antibody fragments have recently been developed that bind to their target more slowly but with much lower concentration, potentially reducing injection frequency and thus the need. Visudyne is another treatment option available for wet macular degeneration which uses laser beam technology to destroy abnormal blood vessels in the macula; co-developed by Novartis (CIBA Vision unit) and QLT Phototherapeutics, Visudyne could potentially become part of everyday medical practice for wet macular degeneration patients.

Macular degeneration can best be detected through regular ophthalmological exams. A simple test, such as viewing a chart with black lines arranged in a grid pattern, may reveal problems associated with macular degeneration in central vision. If you have a family history of macular degeneration or are aged 60 or over, it is highly advised that an eye specialist performs at least one exam every year.

About the Author:
Picture of Alexander Suprun

Alexander Suprun

Alex started his first web marketing campaign in 1997 and continues harvesting this fruitful field today. He helped many startups and well-established companies to grow to the next level by applying innovative inbound marketing strategies. For the past 26 years, Alex has served over a hundred clients worldwide in all aspects of digital marketing and communications. Additionally, Alex is an expert researcher in healthcare, vision, macular degeneration, natural therapy, and microcurrent devices. His passion lies in developing medical devices to combat various ailments, showcasing his commitment to innovation in healthcare.


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