MaxiVision Lutein Formula

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MaxiVision’s Lutein formula contains the specific carotenoids utilized by the National Eye Institute’s AREDS2 research: 10 mg of FloraGLO lutein + 2 mg of mesozeaxanthin + natural source vitamin E for optimal eye health and vision health. MaxiVision Lutin Formula offers the ideal choice to promote eye health and vision health.

Lutein is a carotenoid found in many vegetables and yellow fruits that accumulates in the macular region of your eye.

Lutein is a carotenoid

Lutein is an antioxidant carotenoid found in fruits and vegetables. It’s found in our eyes as well, believed to protect against age related macular degeneration, eye health issues, cardiovascular ailments, lung disorders, cancers as well as helping prevent inflammation in our gastrointestinal tracts. There are over 700 natural carotenoids with different molecular structures and functions – some examples being b-carotene, lycopene astaxanthin canthaxanthin

Lutein can be found in the retina of human eyes, playing an essential role in protecting its central portion, known as the macula. This carotenoid acts as a light filter, shielding against blue and ultraviolet light which could otherwise damage retinal cells while simultaneously blocking light from reaching retinal nerves.

Several supplements exist containing natural forms of lutein that provide its benefits, with its most prevalent use being for eye conditions like cataracts and macular degeneration prevention as well as treating glaucoma and improving night vision. Lutein also may help to lower inflammation within the heart as well as decrease its risk for coronary artery disease.

Zeaxanthin is another carotenoid that’s beneficial to eye health, found abundantly in foods such as egg yolks, corn and leafy greens; fruit such as oranges and bananas also contain it as do supplements available commercially.

Studies have demonstrated the benefits of eating foods high in lutein and zeaxanthin to protect eyes from macular degeneration and cataracts, and can even lower risk. Furthermore, observational research shows that people consuming plenty of these vitamins have lower risks of eye diseases.

Researchers from Linkoping University in Sweden recently conducted a study that discovered the best way to obtain lutein is through eating raw spinach as part of a smoothie or salad. After conducting tests with boiling, steaming, and frying methods on spinach they determined that its lutein content varied across these methods; with frying losing most lutein content while steaming lost less. Juicing it and including dairy products allowed more lutein release.

Lutein is a nutrient

Lutein is an antioxidant that protects both retina and lens of the eyes from damage by free radicals, while also helping protect other parts of the body against oxidative damage. Found naturally in many foods (eggs, spinach, leafy vegetables and kale are particularly rich sources), supplements provide higher concentrations than can be obtained in food alone. Studies have demonstrated how lutein supplementation increases macular pigment optical density scores after four months as well as cognitive scores after even just two.

Lutein has a distinctive chemical structure that allows it to neutralize free radicals in our bodies, including oxygen. This includes its long hydrocarbon chain with alternate single and double bonds and methyl side groups, giving it extended electron-selective binding capabilities; it binds directly with oxygen molecules within our bodies and neutralizes them through binding with them directly or binding proteins bound with them. Lutein’s low solubility in water makes it available for cell membrane inner cores or protein binding sites in addition to retina and iris capillaries where light damage protection occurs.

Dietary consumption of lutein and zeaxanthin has been linked with reduced risks of eye disease, such as cataract and macular degeneration. These essential nutrients can be found in many food sources like greens, yellow fruits and veggies, oranges/tomatoes/granny bread. Lutein may also offer protection from cancer, cardiovascular diseases and neurodegeneration as well as its eye health benefits.

Lutein is an essential nutrient for human health and has been shown to prevent macular degeneration in people over 50. Additionally, research suggests it could slow skin aging and tumor development. Furthermore, research indicates it could reduce heart attack incidence and atherosclerosis rates among humans by inhibiting the oxidation of lipoproteins while suppressing production of inflammatory cytokines.

Lutein is a vitamin

Lutein is a yellow xanthophyll dye belonging to the family of carotenoids and found naturally in plants where it provides their vibrant hue. Additionally, this natural antioxidant accumulating in retina of eye helps maintain macular pigment optical density; protect against oxidative stress in eye; help prevent age related macular degeneration as well as improving vision in people suffering with dry eye syndrome.

As humans cannot produce lutein themselves, we must get it through either our diets or supplements. As it’s fat-soluble, lutein can more readily be absorbed when eaten with foods containing some form of lipid. Eggs are an excellent source of lutein while one serving of cooked spinach contains six milligrams; however, research indicates that dietary sources don’t absorb as well as supplements do; nutrition biochemist Elizabeth J. Johnson of Tufts University conducted a study which demonstrated that egg yolk is more easily absorbed than other food sources like spinach and carrots.

As well as its role in eye health, lutein is also an essential nutrient for skin health. Studies show it has quenching properties which help neutralize reactive oxygen species (ROS) produced as part of your body’s normal response to oxidative stress and UV radiation damage – two sources which can particularly impact eye health.

The maxivision lutein formula combines lutein with other key nutrients for eye and overall wellness. This unique supplement boasts ingredients like bilberry extract and marigold pigment rich in lutein as well as Vitamin C, Lycopene, Vitamin E as well as its own proprietary blend of antioxidants including natural-source Vitamin E and FloraGLO lutein for maximum absorption. Ideal for keeping eyes healthy while improving skin complexion this patented lutein supplement makes an excellent addition to anyone’s supplement routine.

Lutein is a dietary supplement

Lutein is an essential carotenoid that plays an essential role in eye health, from helping prevent age-related macular degeneration to keeping skin supple and providing UV damage protection. Lutein can be found in green, red and orange vegetables/fruits/eggs; but because its production by our bodies is limited it’s best absorbed through supplementation as regularly as possible – which makes dietary supplements with this compound especially valuable for those concerned about the long-term effects of sunlight exposure on eyes.

According to recent research, people who consume high amounts of lutein may reduce their risk of age-related macular degeneration due to its anti-inflammatory effects; it inhibits production and secretion of proinflammatory cytokines such as TNF. Furthermore, lutein acts as an antioxidative, helping prevent cataract formation as well as macular degeneration.

Research was carried out by a nutritional biochemist from Tufts University’s Carotenoids and Health Laboratory as part of its Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Boston. Funded by both Agricultural Research Service and Egg Nutrition Center of Washington DC, DC; findings were then published in August issue of Journal of Nutrition.

One can obtain enough lutein by eating a diet rich in eggs and green, yellow or orange fruits and vegetables, including eggs. Also recommended among young people at risk of age-related macular degeneration is taking lutein supplements; such supplements may help decrease dry eye symptoms like tearing or burning sensations.

Health Canada does not object to the addition of lutein to conventional foods for children and adults, or its proposed use as an exclusive source of nutrition in special dietary food products for special diet diets. Further investigation and evaluation will be necessary before making health claims about infant and toddler food that contain levels well below those allowed according to an AAI for this age group.

About the Author:
Picture of Alexander Suprun

Alexander Suprun

Alex started his first web marketing campaign in 1997 and continues harvesting this fruitful field today. He helped many startups and well-established companies to grow to the next level by applying innovative inbound marketing strategies. For the past 26 years, Alex has served over a hundred clients worldwide in all aspects of digital marketing and communications. Additionally, Alex is an expert researcher in healthcare, vision, macular degeneration, natural therapy, and microcurrent devices. His passion lies in developing medical devices to combat various ailments, showcasing his commitment to innovation in healthcare.


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