Maxivision Eye and Body Formula Drug Interactions

Table of Contents

Maxivision Eye & Body Formula wafers can assist in treating iron deficiency (anemia). In addition, these wafers contain calcium, folic acid, vitamins B6 and B12. However, this document may not cover every potential drug interaction; to stay safe it is a good idea to keep a list of your medicines with both your physician and pharmacist in case any interactions occur.

Vitamin A

Vitamin B-12 can be found in foods such as liver and eggs, where it plays an essential role in cell growth, reproduction and repair – as well as maintaining an efficient immune system.

As this medication may interfere with certain laboratory tests (for instance, fecal occult blood test), please inform all lab personnel and physicians who treat you that you use this drug.

Adverse reactions with certain vitamins and minerals have been reported at levels much higher than what are found in Maxivision eye & body formula wafers, including allergies or other adverse reactions at lower potencies or from any ingredient, so caution must be exercised if taking this product has ever caused hypersensitivity in you; iron and calcium may inhibit absorption of folic acid, leading to potentially serious neurological damage from higher than one milligram doses per day of this vitamin or mineral supplement.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an antioxidant and vital nutrient, essential to numerous biological processes. It plays an essential role in collagen synthesis as well as cartilage, bone and blood vessel maintenance; additionally it plays an integral part in supporting immunity systems. Low cholesterol and triglyceride levels may help to lower cardiovascular disease risks. Iron supplementation is used to treat iron deficiency anemia and build blood levels back up quickly, and osteoporosis when combined with calcium and vitamin D supplementation. Maxivision Eye & Body Formula Wafers may also help treat fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis, although they should be taken with caution by patients who are hypersensitive to any of its ingredients (calcium/iron supplements or tetracyclines like minocycline). As it could interfere with certain laboratory tests (eg, fecal occult blood test), lab personnel must know you take it.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin essential for calcium absorption and bone health. Furthermore, it regulates immune function and may protect against certain cancers. Adverse reactions of vitamin D supplements have been reported, generally at doses significantly higher than those found in Maxivision Eye & Body Formula Wafers. Medication that interact with vitamin D includes cholecalciferol, calcium carbonate and certain bisphosphonates used to treat osteoporosis. Supplements should not be taken together with eltrombopag or tetracycline antibiotics because this will decrease absorption of calcium. Folic acid supplementation should be avoided in patients suffering from uncomplicated pernicious anemia as it can worsen symptoms and interfere with iron absorption. Please consult your healthcare provider for more information.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is both an antioxidant and essential nutrient. It plays a crucial role in cell oxidation reactions that deliver oxygen to tissues, as well as in iron absorption from digestion and retention in bloodstream. You can take up to 1 milligram daily via oral administration; its dose should not exceed that amount for use with iron supplements; use with calcium-containing medications may interfere with absorption rates for these medications, so its use with them should be limited as much as possible. Folic acid should also not be taken, since anaphylactic sensitivity exists against folates (ie: Folates).

This medication may interact with certain other medicines (for instance clozapine, eltrombopag, folic acid antagonists, immune system suppressants, low blood platelet drugs, thyroid problems or anticoagulants). Please consult your healthcare provider or pharmacist for more details.

Vitamin K

Maxivision Eye & Body Formula Wafers may aid, in conjunction with diet, in treating calcium deficiency, skeletal weakness and osteoporosis. Folic acid, vitamin B6 and B12 may also be included to reduce cardiovascular disease risks by lowering homocysteine blood levels. They should not be used in patients who are hypersensitive to any of its ingredients as this could interfere with specific laboratory tests (eg fecal occult blood test), possibly leading to false test results.

Maxivision Eye & Body Formula should not be taken by those suffering from untreated, uncomplicated pernicious anemia and those experiencing anaphylactic reactions to folic acid, and is contraindicated in those taking iron supplements as these inhibit its absorption; similarly it should not be combined with eltrombopag or tetracyclines as this will decrease its effectiveness; there have been 102 drug interactions reported – 6 major and 92 moderate interactions.

Folic Acid

Folic acid is an essential nutrient, working alongside vitamin B12 to form red blood cells and lower homocysteine levels in the body. Folic acid also plays an integral part in DNA and RNA production as well as cell growth and development. Vitamin B-12 is often prescribed to treat anemia and build the blood in cases of iron deficiency anemia, while also used alongside calcium supplements and diet changes to help prevent or treat osteoporosis. Folic acid may interact with certain medications, including birth control pills, estrogens and some antibiotics such as quinolones and tetracyclines; you should inform your healthcare provider or pharmacist of all medicines you take. Folic acid may interfere with certain laboratory tests (eg, fecal occult blood test); be sure to ask your physician how you can avoid interfering with these tests.

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 is a water-soluble vitamin found in many food sources and essential to the functioning of several enzymes in our bodies, as well as being used to treat certain forms of anemia.

This medication could potentially interfere with certain laboratory tests (e.g. fecal occult blood test) and potentially produce false test results. To ensure accurate test results, inform laboratory personnel and all your doctors that you use it.

Take this medication orally as prescribed by your physician with or without food, taking into account any gastrointestinal distress and taking it with a full glass (8 oz / 240 mL) of water (8 oz/240mL). Discuss potential interactions between this medication and any others you take as well as possible side effects with them, reporting any unusual ones immediately to them.

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is an essential water-soluble vitamin necessary for blood synthesis, red cell production and to maintain normal nerve function. In addition, it plays a vital role in iron transport as well as maturation of certain enzymes in the body.

Used to treat anemia caused by poor diet, chronic inflammatory conditions or other diseases that deplete iron stores, this medicine also serves to decrease homocysteine levels in the blood and thus decrease cardiovascular risks.

Dosage should be strictly taken as directed by your physician. Some liquid products require use of a medication-measuring device and should be shaken well prior to each dose. If swallowing becomes difficult for you, ask your physician or pharmacist for a thicker liquid dosage option. Be careful combining eltrombopag with other tetracycline antibiotics like minocycline as these drugs inhibit absorption from your stomach and decrease its effectiveness.


Maxivision Eye & Body Formula Wafers should not be taken with certain medicines used for cancer, infection, high potassium levels, low blood platelets, immune system suppression, iron supplements and thyroid problems as they could reduce their effectiveness. Always inform your healthcare provider or pharmacist of all other medications you take that could decrease effectiveness of these treatments.

Notifying your physician if you experience any allergies or idiosyncratic reactions to vitamins even at lower potencies, or any of their ingredients. Allergic and idiosyncratic reactions from vitamins can sometimes be severe and potentially life-threatening, so if symptoms such as hives, itchy skin, swollen lips, tongue swelling or difficulty breathing arise it is crucial that they be reported immediately – this also holds true if pregnant or breastfeeding mothers should contact their healthcare providers as well.

Pantothenic Acid

Pantothenic acid, commonly referred to as vitamin B5, is essential for fat and carb metabolism. As part of fatty acid synthase enzyme, this vitamin plays an integral part in synthesizing cholesterol, neurotransmitters, hormones and hemoglobin (heme).

Pantothenic acid does not have a recommended daily allowance because its deficiencies in healthy populations are very rare. Being water-soluble, pantothenic acid is lost through food preparation processes such as cooking, canning and freezing that use heat.

Medical dosages of pantothenic acid have been well received, with no reported side effects. While it can interfere with certain laboratory tests (e.g. fecal occult blood test), be sure to inform your physician of all medications or supplements you are taking; specifically any vitamins and minerals. Do not take this medication together with other vitamins or minerals since doing so could lessen its effectiveness, and avoid caffeine as this could increase sweating significantly.

About the Author:
Picture of Alexander Suprun

Alexander Suprun

Alex started his first web marketing campaign in 1997 and continues harvesting this fruitful field today. He helped many startups and well-established companies to grow to the next level by applying innovative inbound marketing strategies. For the past 26 years, Alex has served over a hundred clients worldwide in all aspects of digital marketing and communications. Additionally, Alex is an expert researcher in healthcare, vision, macular degeneration, natural therapy, and microcurrent devices. His passion lies in developing medical devices to combat various ailments, showcasing his commitment to innovation in healthcare.


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