Magnifying Glass Catalog

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This lab quality magnifying glass is ideal for classroom and laboratory settings, featuring 2.5x magnification with Bakelite handles for reduced frustration. Packaged in cardboard packaging to provide hassle free use at home or hobbies.

These powerful pocket magnifying glasses feature built-in lights to provide illumination when map reading or inspecting stamps, coins or insects. Each lens is surrounded by six dimmable LED lights for optimal illumination of its focus area.

Magnifying Glasses

Magnifying glasses can be invaluable tools when it comes to jewelry making, model building, or any other hobby requiring close-up work. Not only can they reduce eye strain by making small details more visible and accurate; but some magnifying lenses even have built-in light sources which increase visibility even under dim conditions.

Magnifying glass works by refracting light to form an enlarged virtual image of whatever you’re viewing, similar to how video projectors, slide projectors and overhead projectors function. For optimal results, always ensure your lens is free of dust or other blemishes and properly focused on what you are viewing.

Our selection of industrial magnifying lenses features various magnification levels to meet any application. Generally, choosing a higher power lens means more magnification. Select the most powerful power that suits both your eyes and application for best results.

Magnifying lenses should be clear and distortion free when it comes to small and intricate objects, and the size will determine how much of an object can be seen at once.

Some magnifying glasses come equipped with stands that let you place them on a table or other flat surface for easy viewing, making this type of magnifier ideal for tasks requiring an illuminated workspace, such as model building or jewelry making. Other styles, like headband magnifiers, are more comfortable to wear and allow hands-free work; additionally they allow quick switching between magnification and normal vision with one quick flip of a switch.

LED Magnifiers

Magnifiers equipped with LED lights offer illumination to help you read in low-light environments. Portable and easily transported between jobsite or inspection locations, these magnifiers allow one-handed use to hold it while another turns pages of a book or magazine. This LED magnifier features an acrylic Fresnel lens for full page size viewing with 10 long-lasting and bright LEDs dimmable according to lighting conditions, an easy carrying handle, and requires only one AAA battery to function.

Illuminated magnifiers have multiple applications in many fields of industry and science such as auto assembly, jewelry making, cosmetology and forensics. These handheld magnifiers come equipped with various lens sizes, magnification levels and LED types to meet any operator’s specific requirements.

Diopter measures magnification levels based on lens refractive index; higher numbers represent stronger magnification. Many handheld illuminated magnifiers use 3- or 5-diopter lenses; ergonomicists have identified this size as providing the optimal field of view and stress-free operation.

Some magnifiers are designed for hands-free operation by employing a gooseneck or adjustable arm, enabling users to prop them up on tables and surfaces – this feature is especially helpful for reading and craft activities that involve hands. Others feature clamp-on workbenches or countertops for convenient clamping solutions for worksite applications that involve frequent hand movements and repositioning.

LED (light emitting diode) illumination comes in various color choices, from natural white and warm orange hues. LED bulbs offer longer lifespan than incandescent bulbs while being more energy-efficient; their built-in on/off switch makes switching them on and off easy, and there’s even an optional sleeve available to soften their brightness for a more natural glow.

Pocket Magnifiers

When handheld magnifiers are needed, pocket magnifiers offer an easy solution that fits easily in purse or pocket. Most pocket magnifiers include LED lighting for use in dim light conditions and come in magnification powers as high as 3X to 5X; some feature only one lens while others provide multiple lenses in frames for greater field of vision.

One of the best ways to determine which magnifier is right for you is through an evaluation at a comprehensive low vision rehabilitation clinic. An eye doctor or optometrist will be able to guide you towards finding one that suits your specific needs; this approach is much preferable than purchasing sight unseen from catalogs or online sellers and may save both time and money in the long run.

A pocket magnifier can be invaluable when reading small print in magazines, newspaper articles, price tags and labels, menus, recipes or hand work. It can also be used to inspect small objects such as bugs, rocks or flowers for use as hobbies in entomology, geology, biology jewelry fossils or antique collecting.

These handheld magnifiers typically feature a flat Fresnel lens which is sturdy enough to withstand being dropped or bent slightly without shattering, making them great for storage in pockets, purses or belts.

There is a range of handheld magnifiers to choose from, some with LED illumination and others without. LED illumination offers several advantages over standard incandescent bulbs: lower energy use and longer bulb lifespan as well as cooler-colored lighting that may be easier on your eyes.

Bausch & Lomb’s folding pocket magnifier is a prime example of handheld magnifiers. This model features a durable plastic case that both protects the magnifier and serves as a handle, while its double and triple lens models can be folded up or extended depending on desired magnification levels. Plus, with seven different powers available and its compact form factor they’re easy to store!

Magnifying Lamps

A magnifying lamp can be an invaluable resource for reading, arts and crafts projects, hobby pursuits such as stamp collecting or jewelry-making and simply looking at small objects in detail. They’re also useful tools for electronics repair or beauty treatments requiring close work – the lamp provides light while magnifying so the user doesn’t strain or contort their body as they work without contortion – helping reduce neck strain as well as eye strain when performing prolonged tasks requiring concentration or precision.

Magnifying lamps utilize double-convex lenses to make objects appear larger by redirecting light rays toward the lens’ center, making objects appear larger by bending light rays inward toward it. However, this only works if objects are within striking distance of the lens – too far away and they will become inverted and appear smaller or upside down. To prevent this from occurring, objects should be placed approximately twice the focal length of the lens for best results.

Magnifying lamps feature a base that houses a lamp fixture and an on/off switch, while its lamp head assembly sits atop of this base connected by a pole to provide magnification. Depending on its model, users may be able to adjust this lamp in various positions so as to find their optimal viewing angle.

These tools typically can be toggled between two modes, a regular magnifying glass and one with a prism that uses colored light to separate out its constituent wavelengths for scientific or artistic use. Furthermore, this magnifying glass also enables users to create optical effects by breaking light down into its constituent components – helping enhance contrast between objects.

To maintain the quality of a magnifying lamp, it is vital that it is regularly cleaned to remove dust and debris from its lens and frame. You can do this using warm water with mild soap, soft cloth cleaning or lens cleaning spray (if applicable). After each use, a dry cloth should be used after each washing session to absorb any remaining moisture; damp lenses can lead to scratches or distortions and should therefore be kept as dry as possible to ensure optimal performance.

About the Author:
Picture of Alexander Suprun

Alexander Suprun

Alex started his first web marketing campaign in 1997 and continues harvesting this fruitful field today. He helped many startups and well-established companies to grow to the next level by applying innovative inbound marketing strategies. For the past 26 years, Alex has served over a hundred clients worldwide in all aspects of digital marketing and communications. Additionally, Alex is an expert researcher in healthcare, vision, macular degeneration, natural therapy, and microcurrent devices. His passion lies in developing medical devices to combat various ailments, showcasing his commitment to innovation in healthcare.


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