Macular Degeneration Treatment in Ayurveda

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macular degeneration treatment in ayurveda

Macular degeneration is one of the most prevalent vision-altering eye conditions that affect those aged 50 or over, often manifesting itself with blurred peripheral vision and loss of central retinal clarity (macula macula).

Ayurved medicine addresses this problem by restoring equilibrium among all three doshas. Kriyakalpa therapy recommended in Netra rogas can be utilized to stabilize any abnormal doshas that might arise, as outlined by Netra rogas.

Vata Vidagdha Drishti

Vata Vidagdha Drishti is an effective remedy for macular degeneration. A potent antioxidant, it protects retinal cells against cell damage. Furthermore, it effectively treats macular swelling and pain caused by fluid leakage; treats inflammation caused by fluid leakage as well as helps restore pigmentation while lowering risk of cataract. Furthermore, it improves cell metabolism, blood flow and prevents glaucoma while encouraging retinal regeneration; dosage should be one or two tablets twice a day with water or godugdha Kvatha Kvatha for maximum benefit. It comes available as tablets; recommended dosage should be one or two per day when taken with water or godugdha Kvatha.

Unmada, murchha, yoshapasmara, gradhrasi, pakshaghata and ardita can benefit from taking this supplement, alleviating leg and abdominal pain as well as discomfort caused by bloating and stiffness in legs and abdomen; treating manyastambha, hanugraha and indriya daurbalya with regular use; also effective treatments for kshaya, svasa, vali palita; as well as relief from Katishula bandhyatva and kasa symptoms.

Dosage: Adults and children can take one or two tablets three times per day with lukewarm water for daily treatment. It should not be used during pregnancy; nor by patients suffering from severe kidney or liver conditions; nor those who have suffered ulcers or stomach irritation in the past.

Ayurveda provides an effective natural treatment for macular degeneration: curcumin. As an antioxidant, curcumin works to slow the progression of disease by preventing amyloid deposits that increase oxidative stress in retina. Furthermore, curcumin helps lower risks of further macula degeneration while improving quality of life of patient and has positive impacts on immune system health and eye infections while protecting from macular edema and eye pressure as a supplement taken alongside traditional treatments for macular degeneration.


Nasya is a form of Panchakarma therapy in which medication is administered through the nose in either oil or smoke form and poured directly through nostrils, the gateways to your brain. This therapy has proven useful in treating migraines, vertigo, neck problems and can even reduce depression and stress levels.

Macular degeneration initially presents with symptoms of distorted vision in one or both eyes, such as straight lines becoming wavy or crooked or bathroom tiles becoming blurry. Over time, this condition may progress further to create blind spots at the center of your vision that could compromise quality of life and lower quality of living standards.

Ayurved medicine offers many natural ways to address macular degeneration. Treatments focus on balancing the three doshas (biological energies) within your body while eliminating toxins through massage, herbal medicine and diet changes.

Macular degeneration can be prevented through diet. One effective strategy to do so is by eating nutritious foods rich in vitamins and antioxidants on a regular basis and eating specific types of food at specific times; this will help ensure blood vessels don’t become blocked up. Furthermore, exercise regularly while refraining from smoking.

Ayurved therapies have proven themselves an effective treatment option for eye diseases like macular degeneration. Ayurvedic remedies work by clearing away sinuses and expelling any excess mucus from your body; furthermore, they strengthen both respiratory systems and immunity systems resulting in overall improved health benefits.

Ayurvedic treatments for macular degeneration can be extremely effective and safe when administered under the guidance of an experienced practitioner, providing even those with severe vision loss an option to help stop its progression. Not only are Ayurvedic therapies useful against macular degeneration but they can also assist with other eye conditions like glaucoma.


Age Related Macular Degeneration (ARMD), one of the conditions which can contribute to loss of vision among older people, can cause blurry or distorted central vision and an area known as a “scotoma.” Ayurveda offers treatments to slow the progression of ARMD and restore vision; herbs used include Bilberry, Ghee and Amla which have shown to increase visual acuity while slowing scotoma development.

Ayurved treatments for macular degeneration often combine herbal medicines with physical therapy and other forms of exercises, in addition to using herbs themselves. These approaches may help improve an individual’s balance, flexibility and posture as well as helping prevent eye infections or other health complications.

Netra Tarpana is an innovative ayurvedic therapy used to treat various eye-related illnesses. Part of Ashtanga Ayurveda, it involves building up a reservoir made up of black gram dough with various herbs on one’s forehead before slowly pouring a mixture of Triphala ghee or other prescribed remedies into it over 30 minutes. This process usually lasts about 30 minutes.

Ayurved therapy for macular degeneration includes eating foods packed with vitamins and minerals. For maximum effectiveness, it is also important to follow a balanced diet without processed food products and avoid smoking or drinking alcohol as these substances can harm the eyes.

Another Ayurvedic technique to address macular degeneration is called Ayurvedic Basti, which helps reduce inflammation and restore vision while also improving circulation to help prevent macular degeneration. Ayurved eye drops and supplements are the primary forms of Ayurved treatment used against macular degeneration as they provide effective solutions against age related macular degeneration and other eye disorders.

Hindus perform the tarpanam ceremony to appease both their ancestors and gods during Mahalaya Paksha. If anyone would like to participate, three generations from their father, grand father, great grand father as well as three generations from their mother’s side family including their grandfathers should all offer gifts of fruit, nuts or flowers for sacrifice to ensure maximum satisfaction from this ritual.

Triphala Ghrita

Ayurved treatment of macular degeneration entails herbal medicine and natural therapies, including Triphala Ghrita – an herbal ghee made of fruit juice from Triphala mixed with ghee – that balances all three doshas within the body, assists digestion and assimilation processes, increases circulation, nourishes tissues and promotes eye health while acting as a preventative measure against age-related eye disorders.

Macular degeneration in Ayurveda is often described as the result of loss of sadhaka pitta, in line with modern ideas that point towards inflammation as the source of eye problems. An imbalance of pitta, which regulates oxygen, water, blood, and enzyme distribution throughout our bodies, leads to reduced eyesight resulting in poor vision loss. Therefore it’s vitally important that treatment begins early before it progresses further into more serious stages.

Other causes of poor eyesight can include prolonged constipation and nervous debility; these conditions are known in Ayurveda as Drishti Dosha, and can be prevented with regular care and treatments such as smoking cessation, alcohol abstinence and caffeine intake reduction. To keep eyesight sharper for longer it is also beneficial to refrain from drinking excessive alcohol, caffeine-laden drinks or smoking cigarettes or cigars.

Consuming general remedies such as Triphala eye wash or Bilwanjana eye drops may help mitigate symptoms associated with macular degeneration, relieving pain and swelling while increasing blood flow to both retinas and optic nerves – providing protection from visual loss.

Additionally, eating yellow vegetables such as spirulina, mustard greens and shatavari is recommended to provide your eyes with essential vitamins and nutrients that support eye health. Punarnava plant/root (Boerhavia difusa) and phyllanthus emblica/Terminalia chebula (Tree gooseberry), both components of Triphala Ghrita have also been proven to lower risk of age-related macular degeneration.

Yellow vegetables contain lutein, an anti-angiogenic component which has been shown to protect against age-related macrovascular macular degeneration and should therefore be included as part of your diet. A certified Ayurvedic practitioner is best equipped to prescribe tailored treatments suited specifically for your condition – they will outline dosage and frequency requirements so as to optimize results and help achieve overall wellbeing.

About the Author:
Picture of Alexander Suprun

Alexander Suprun

Alex started his first web marketing campaign in 1997 and continues harvesting this fruitful field today. He helped many startups and well-established companies to grow to the next level by applying innovative inbound marketing strategies. For the past 26 years, Alex has served over a hundred clients worldwide in all aspects of digital marketing and communications. Additionally, Alex is an expert researcher in healthcare, vision, macular degeneration, natural therapy, and microcurrent devices. His passion lies in developing medical devices to combat various ailments, showcasing his commitment to innovation in healthcare.


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