Low Vision Supplies

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Most individuals with low vision can maintain some functional vision with the appropriate tools, services and training1.1

Many optical and non-optical devices are available to assist people living with macular degeneration to read, perform tasks and navigate their environments more easily.

Stocking various devices can assist those on limited incomes who still wish to gain access to life-changing technology.

Optical Magnifiers

Magnifiers can be invaluable devices for those living with low vision, helping them enhance their quality of life. Magnifiers may either rely on glass or plastic lenses with magnifying properties for magnification purposes or be electronic with video cameras projecting an enlarged image onto a monitor screen. Handheld, illuminated stand and magnifier attachments such as those attached to eyeglasses hats or visors are available as well as high tech portable electronic magnifiers such as closed circuit television (CCTV) or digital video magnifiers for electronic magnifier use.

Optic magnifiers are most frequently found as handheld and illuminated handheld magnifiers that allow a user to hold them close to documents; clip-on or spectacle mounted magnifiers also come in handy. Stand magnifiers offer adjustable height features and can make life easier for those who suffer from tremor or hand weakness, or who lack coordination between eye and hand movements. Magnification powers vary among models, with higher magnification providing clearer imagery and increased focus. Traditional magnification measures were once measured by their ability to magnify an object by some given factor, such as 2x. Nowadays however, many manufacturers refer to dioptres or equivalent viewing distances (EVD). All magnifiers come equipped with tinted lenses designed to combat glare; additionally absorptive filters come in various tints and filter levels to further customize your magnifier experience.

Handheld digital portable optical magnifiers equipped with speech output and optical character recognition (OCR) offer people a new way to read text on screen like they would normally, with speech output for longer reading material such as books or magazines – then listening to it spoken back out using their chosen voice, speed and volume settings. This makes the device more effective for many than traditional handheld illuminated magnifiers that only offer short-duration spot reading as they allow visually impaired persons to improve near visual acuity by accommodating.

Non-Optical Adaptive Aids

Non-optical adaptive aids may be used to make objects appear larger or reading easier. Reading telescopes, for instance, mount onto eyeglass lenses and provide high magnification so reading materials can be seen from normal distance. While such devices can be expensive and may require training to learn their proper use; other non-optical devices can increase contrast, reduce glare, or increase illumination depending on each individual’s specific needs – evaluation should be conducted by a qualified vision rehabilitation therapist prior to selection of one of these non-optical devices.

Private for-profit low vision services and clinics vary significantly in terms of the optical and non-optical tools they provide, from magnifiers and other optical devices to low vision supplies and counseling/training in adaptations/home visits unless staffed by a Certified Vision Rehabilitation Therapist/Low Vision Therapist or Certified Occupational Therapist.

STAR+PLUS Home and Community-based Service (HCBS) Program funds may be used to reimburse individuals for adaptive aids that help them perform daily living activities as independently as possible. These adaptive aids may include optical or non-optical devices and must be determined medically necessary by their doctor.

Aetna considers low vision programs medically necessary for members who suffer from severe visual impairment that is untreatable by conventional refractive means, or has significant functional vision limitations and requires assistance with activities of daily living. Other factors which determine whether such programs are required may include significant limitation in functional vision and assistance with activities of daily living.

Adaptive aids designed to compensate for impaired vision can be particularly useful for individuals in the intermediate or late stages of vision loss who still retain some vision. They may use what vision remains to complete 21 independent daily activities outlined herein; and could benefit from an individualized rehabilitation plan that emphasizes teaching them alternative nonvisual approaches for these tasks.

High-Tech Adaptive Technologies

Adaptive technology refers to any equipment or device designed to assist a person living with a disability. Often this technology works to compensate for or enhance a person’s dominant processing area – in this instance visual information processing – thus improving overall functioning.

As people age, low vision becomes an increasing challenge and this can significantly hinder daily activities. Luckily, there are effective and straightforward solutions available that can assist individuals in performing daily tasks more easily while improving the quality of their lives.

Low vision supplies such as handheld magnifiers are great on-the-go solutions for many individuals living with low vision issues. These lightweight and portable devices can be used for reading, writing and gaming tasks such as making text easier to see while also helping to capture, freeze and edit screens with one touch of a button.

Electronic video magnification (EVM) devices offer both desktop and portable options to meet both personal and work use. EVM devices feature high levels of magnification power with additional features like image capture, reading modes, adjustable lighting controls and text-to-speech capability that help people with low vision remain independent by accessing digital content at a rate similar to sighted individuals.

Specialized software applications provide a high-tech alternative to traditional assistive technologies, providing text reading or increasing font sizes to improve visibility on a computer or digital device. This allows visually impaired individuals to use the same devices as their peers and speeds up learning processes. Some smartphones and tablets even come equipped with built-in accessibility features that enable larger text displays as well as audio dictation features; it is crucial that all technology be trained appropriately so it can be effectively utilized.


Adjusting to low vision takes patience and time, but that doesn’t have to be spent at home confined to your own four walls. Low vision aids can help get you out and about again!

Reading glasses equipped with powerful lenses may make it easier for some individuals to read small print. Available both as single vision and bifocal designs, these reading glasses may take some getting used to (requiring you to position your face closer to reading material), but can be extremely beneficial. Lightweight telescope-mounted eyeglasses may provide higher magnification than standard eyeglasses for distant viewing, making these devices invaluable tools for many. Proper training may be needed in order to use such devices effectively; nonetheless they have proven very helpful for many individuals over time.

Glare sensitivity is a common problem among those with low vision, particularly those who have recently undergone cataract surgery or those suffering from macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy. To combat this issue, special lenses equipped with blue filtering capabilities may help.

Low vision supplies can bring significant advantages, particularly to those living with macular degeneration or glaucoma. To determine what options best suit you, arrange an appointment with an eye care specialist.

About the Author:
Picture of Alexander Suprun

Alexander Suprun

Alex started his first web marketing campaign in 1997 and continues harvesting this fruitful field today. He helped many startups and well-established companies to grow to the next level by applying innovative inbound marketing strategies. For the past 26 years, Alex has served over a hundred clients worldwide in all aspects of digital marketing and communications. Additionally, Alex is an expert researcher in healthcare, vision, macular degeneration, natural therapy, and microcurrent devices. His passion lies in developing medical devices to combat various ailments, showcasing his commitment to innovation in healthcare.


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