Low Vision Products For Seniors

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As a home health care clinician, you can make a big impactful difference in the lives of seniors living with low vision. By providing them with effective tools that support independence and quality of life improvement.

Portable video magnifiers magnify text 14 times its original size, making it easier for patients to read newspaper text, menu items, recipes and medications labels.

Eschenbach Optik

Eschenbach Optik is a manufacturer and distributor of top-grade electronic magnification aids. Their solutions help low vision patients remain active, independent and enjoy quality of life despite reduced vision. Their products include hand-held magnifiers, stand and spectacle magnifiers, video magnifiers and telescopes which are suitable for patients suffering from macular degeneration, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy cataracts or any other eye diseases or vision problems.

SolarShield(r) filters from Bioptic Telescopes feature contrast-enhancing SolarShield technology for use in lens tints that reduce glare and moderate blue light filtering, distributed exclusively through eyecare and rehab professionals. Their bioptic telescopes boast superior optics, precision coating and ergonomic designs perfect for those requiring higher working distance and longer focal length for reading or other tasks.

Portable Video Magnifiers

Portable video magnifiers are specially-designed handheld devices to assist with reading and writing while on-the-go, featuring flat-screen LCD or similar display technology that digitally magnify printed materials. From smartphone-sized to TV-sized devices with magnification up to 50 times larger capabilities. Ideal for banking, grocery shopping, restaurant menus, pill bottle labels, recipes and books.

These glasses can also be beneficial in helping those with low vision view television and computer screens more clearly. Glare-reducing and blue-filtering lenses reduce brightness of light while lessening eye strain – ideal for those suffering from age-related macular degeneration or diabetic retinopathy symptoms. Furthermore, their better contrast allows seniors to more easily distinguish solid from patterned objects which might otherwise be difficult for those without full vision.

Home health care clinicians play a vital role in providing their clients with access to visual assistive tools they require, through education on their use and demonstrations of operation. Furthermore, this may involve making adjustments within clients’ homes so that their visual assistive tools are comfortable and safe.

Finally, it is essential that seniors discuss their individual needs with their healthcare provider. Some tasks and errands may be too dangerous for the client to perform alone – household repairs may need doing while driving to appointments or stores may also present danger. A caregiver could then be hired as needed in order to complete these tasks for them and reduce the risk of falling which can cause injury.

Glare-Reducing & Blue-Filtering Lenses

There are numerous things you can do to support the vision health of someone you care for, including helping them adapt their home environment to accommodate their condition. From keeping indoor and outdoor spaces tidy, to storing away items when not needed, even minor adjustments can make an enormous difference in someone’s quality of life.

Provide both physical and moral support when possible and encourage your loved one to engage in activities they enjoy. Attend medical appointments together, bring food or help navigate unfamiliar areas are just some of the ways that you can assist. Furthermore, staying close by keeps them company and encourages participation in activities they find fulfilling.

If a senior you know suffers from glare and light sensitivity, specialized lenses may be able to help them relax more comfortably. These glasses are specifically designed to filter out harmful blue light emitted from digital devices like computers, tablets and smartphones and thereby decrease eye strain and fatigue. There are prescription sunglasses, nonprescription clip-on glasses that fit over existing frames as well as side shielding “fit-overs” which provide side protection as well.

These lenses are made of a proprietary material designed to block out harmful blue light while still allowing beneficial wavelengths through. This helps maintain healthy circadian rhythms while protecting from digital eye strain, sleep disruptions, and long-term eye damage. Furthermore, these photochromic lenses lighten or darken depending on sunlight exposure levels.

Lenses that have an infusion process infused within them cannot wear off over time and are available both clear and tinted frames.


Seniors living with low vision have access to many products designed to make life more comfortable and secure in their own home or on the go, including handheld telescopes for distance viewing that are small, portable and easy for those with limited mobility to use. Such instruments may help identify people and navigate streets more efficiently.

Head-mounted binocular viewers offer another viable solution, providing magnification from near to far and depth perception, which may also assist those suffering peripheral vision loss or night blindness. Furthermore, seniors should remain engaged with healthcare professionals; they can serve as an important form of accountability when forgetting medications or medical appointments.

Finally, it’s beneficial for seniors with vision impairments to spend time with friends and family as well as engaging in activities they find engaging. This will make them feel less isolated within their community and foster feelings of well-being – potentially helping prevent health complications that lead to further complications down the line.

Seniors living with low vision require both emotional and physical assistance, but making sure their living environment meets their specific needs is also key to managing their condition. Making sure their home is free from clutter or potential hazards that could lead to falls is also paramount in managing this condition effectively.

About the Author:
Picture of Alexander Suprun

Alexander Suprun

Alex started his first web marketing campaign in 1997 and continues harvesting this fruitful field today. He helped many startups and well-established companies to grow to the next level by applying innovative inbound marketing strategies. For the past 26 years, Alex has served over a hundred clients worldwide in all aspects of digital marketing and communications. Additionally, Alex is an expert researcher in healthcare, vision, macular degeneration, natural therapy, and microcurrent devices. His passion lies in developing medical devices to combat various ailments, showcasing his commitment to innovation in healthcare.


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