Is There Any New Treatment For Dry Macular Degeneration?

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As there is no cure for dry form ARMD, its worsening can be prevented with regular examinations and by taking an effective combination of vitamins and minerals such as antioxidants and zinc supplements in high doses – studies have demonstrated this has proved highly successful at slowing its progress.

Treatment for wet macular degeneration includes anti-angiogenesis medications and laser therapy. If caught early enough, earlier intervention increases your chance of maintaining central vision.

What is macular degeneration?

Macular degeneration (AMD) is an eye disease that gradually steals your central vision by damaging the macula – a small spot at the center of your retina – causing blurriness, dark spots or distortion in central vision which is crucial for reading, driving or seeing details close up like faces and objects close up. You may notice colors appear muted or straight lines become wavy; AMD is one of the leading causes of blindness among people over 65 and its cause remains unknown, though age, genetics and smoking, obesity and cardiovascular disease increase your risks further.

Dry macular degeneration (AMD) is the most frequently seen form of AMD, where vision gradually deteriorates from tissue thinning and degradation within the macula or due to formation of yellow deposits known as drusen under the retina. Although symptoms don’t show themselves quickly as with wet AMD, regular eye examinations should still be undertaken because this form can develop into wet AMD later down the line.

Wet macular degeneration occurs when abnormal blood vessels grow and scar the macula, leading to rapid vision loss. While initially this usually only affects one eye, over time both will likely become affected; you will typically only lose central vision in this form as perpendicular (side) vision remains undamaged.

Studies indicate that certain vitamins may slow the progression of wet macular degeneration. Your doctor may suggest incorporating antioxidant-rich vitamins such as lutein and zeaxanthin into your diet, in particular from injectable medications or laser treatments that have proven successful at slowing or improving vision loss in some cases; such treatments are known as anti-angiogenic therapies and work by restricting new blood vessel growth on macula scarring.


Macular degeneration most frequently takes the form of dry macular degeneration, which occurs gradually as layers of cells in the macula begin to break down and deteriorate. Although early stages don’t usually cause symptoms, as soon as intermediate and later stages begin, patients begin noticing blurry central vision or dark spots in their visual field due to light-sensing cells dying, interfering with clear vision.

About 10% of cases progress to wet AMD when abnormal blood vessels form and leak blood and fluid into the retina, leading to significant visual loss. While only 15% of severe vision loss results from wet AMD, it requires immediate treatment as it poses greater danger.

Visudyne laser drug therapy uses painless laser light to destroy abnormal blood vessels that form beneath the retina (neovascularization), making it now available in the US for patients suffering from wet macular degeneration. Visudyne is proven to improve vision but will not restore lost vision as part of early stage conditions.

Regular eye exams and diagnostic testing are crucial in order to detect early macular degeneration and slow its progress. Furthermore, nutritional supplements containing lutein and zeaxanthin-rich dark green vegetables could help protect or delay its onset.

Controlling medical conditions that increase your risk of macular degeneration, such as high blood pressure or diabetes, is also of vital importance in order to decrease macular degeneration risk. Other preventive measures include not smoking and following a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol – your physician can offer recommendations.


Macular degeneration diagnosis begins with an eye exam with your Louisiana retina specialist. They will ask about your family history and lifestyle habits during this exam and may suggest certain vitamins or other measures to delay or stop its progress. Your doctor will also perform an eye exam to examine your macula, such as checking for yellow deposits called drusen or central vision loss. An Amsler grid chart can also be used to test central vision. Your doctor may conduct fluorescein angiography, in which a harmless yellow dye is injected into an arm vein and photographs are taken as it reflects off of the retina. This test helps identify new blood vessels that leak fluid and may contribute to wet form of macular degeneration. Another method, optical coherence tomography (OCT), provides very detailed images of retina and macula without using dye.

Dry macular degeneration usually causes gradual and painless vision loss; however, it may progress into wet macular degeneration when abnormal blood vessels form beneath the retina and leak fluid rapidly, leading to rapid vision loss. While wet macular degeneration is less prevalent than its dry counterpart, its severity makes it worth more consideration than ever.

If you suffer from wet macular degeneration, laser treatment may help eliminate leaking new blood vessels causing it. A drug known as vascular endothelial growth factor inhibitor injections into the eye may also help stop more leaking vessels forming later on – though this won’t provide a complete cure, it may significantly improve vision in some patients.

UT Southwestern ophthalmologists participated in an Age-Related Eye Diseases Study that demonstrated taking vitamin supplements could slow macular degeneration by 25% if taken daily; follow up regularly with your ophthalmologist as well to monitor any changes to vision.


Dry AMD is the most prevalent form of macular degeneration. It begins slowly due to retinal thinning, slowly diminishing central vision over time. People living with this form of macular degeneration do not typically experience any discomfort but may notice objects look blurry or distorted or may struggle in low lighting environments – though this form does not impact peripheral (side) vision.

If you suffer from dry macular degeneration, there are various treatment options available to slow its progress. These may include nutritional supplements and vitamins – talk to your physician about which ones would best suit you.

Recent research has demonstrated that a new drug may improve vision in those suffering from dry macular degeneration. The drug blocks a protein which triggers abnormal blood vessel growth; abnormal vessels can then leak fluid and scar the macula, ultimately impairing vision. Our eye doctors at Signature Retina Consultants can offer more information about this promising treatment option.

Some patients can develop wet macular degeneration, a more serious form of macular degeneration than dry. While symptoms are similar, vision loss occurs more quickly and severely in this form of macular degeneration due to abnormal blood vessels growing beneath the retina that leak fluid or blood into central vision, distorting or blurring its image.

Photodynamic therapy is the primary approach for treating wet macular degeneration. This involves administering light-sensitive dyes or medications directly into the eye, such as Visudyne, Avastin and Lucentis which bind to proteins responsible for abnormal blood vessel formation in order to stop its further growth. Photodynamic therapy may also be combined with laser treatment in some instances.

One of the best ways to decrease your risk of wet macular degeneration is to receive regular eye exams, even if your eyes appear healthy. Furthermore, eating a diet rich in brightly-colored and leafy vegetables provides essential nutrition for eye health; you should also abstain from smoking as this increases your likelihood of macular degeneration.

About the Author:
Picture of Alexander Suprun

Alexander Suprun

Alex started his first web marketing campaign in 1997 and continues harvesting this fruitful field today. He helped many startups and well-established companies to grow to the next level by applying innovative inbound marketing strategies. For the past 26 years, Alex has served over a hundred clients worldwide in all aspects of digital marketing and communications. Additionally, Alex is an expert researcher in healthcare, vision, macular degeneration, natural therapy, and microcurrent devices. His passion lies in developing medical devices to combat various ailments, showcasing his commitment to innovation in healthcare.


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