Injectable Medication Treatments For Macular Degeneration

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macular degeneration doctors

Most people with macular degeneration suffer from dry forms; however, some also develop abnormal blood vessels underneath the macula that leak fluid and cause further vision loss (wet ARMD). There are injectable medications available that may prevent new blood vessels from growing under your macula and threaten vision further.

Your ophthalmologist will perform an Amsler grid examination on your retina to detect any distortions to central vision, while fundus fluorescein angiography detects new blood vessel leakage patterns that have formed abnormally.

Vitamins and Minerals

Eyes require a wide variety of vitamins and minerals in their diet as well as through supplements to function optimally, such as those found in food or dietary supplements. Most people can obtain all of the required vitamins and minerals by eating a healthy, balanced diet; those who may not be getting enough should consider supplementation to maintain good eye health or help slow aging or disease processes like macular degeneration.

Macular degeneration is a serious eye condition that compromises central vision. It happens when cells that compose the macular retina deteriorate, leading to blurriness or distortion and making it hard for an individual to see fine details and colors clearly, along with tasks like driving, reading and recognising faces. Although macular degeneration may lead to complete blindness in some instances, many patients still retain daily activities they used to do without difficulty.

Macular degeneration occurs in two main forms, dry and wet. Dry macular degeneration is the more prevalent form and typically begins with small deposits of yellow protein called drusen appearing under the retina, interfering with light transmission and leading to thinner maculae, leading to loss of central vision. Wet macular degeneration begins later and involves abnormally growing blood vessels under the retina that leak fluid or blood into the macula resulting in loss of central vision.

Studies have demonstrated the efficacy of specific nutritional supplements to lower the risk of macular degeneration or slow its progression for those already affected by it. These nutrients include DHA and EPA omega-3 fatty acids as well as vitamins C, zeaxanthin beta carotene zinc; sources include citrus fruits berries spinach dark leafy vegetables avocados salmon. A recent National Eye Institute-funded study has also demonstrated how an advanced formulation of these vitamins called AREDS II can reduce vision loss rates among those suffering wet macular degeneration patients.


Doctors may inject an eye medication directly into the eye to stop abnormal blood vessels from growing abnormally, known as VEGF blocks (such as Avastin, Lucentis and Eylea) that help halt scar tissue formation and new blood vessel formation that lead to severe vision loss in wet macular degeneration. By giving these injections with local anaesthetic under local anaesthesia they have saved thousands of patients who would otherwise go blind without them; regular assessments, additional testing such as OCT/Fluorescein angiography testing plus injection therapy are essential components in maintaining good vision in wet AMD patients.

Wet macular degeneration occurs when blood vessels form under the retina and leak fluid, damaging photoreceptor cells in the macula and leading to blurry central vision. It often develops quickly and requires immediate medical intervention – patients experiencing sudden changes in their central vision, straight lines appearing wavy or colors becoming less vibrant should contact our office as soon as possible in order to book an appointment.

An exam typically involves using an Amsler grid chart to test central vision. We may also measure your eyes with an ophthalmoscope or perform a dilated eye exam to examine how well retina and macula function.

Your ophthalmologist will also conduct tests for drusen, small deposits under the retina that indicate macular degeneration. While these do not cause vision loss directly, an increase in their number and size indicates advanced macular degeneration is developing. We can also conduct fluorescein angiography to detect new blood vessels and scar tissue through an injection of yellow dye into one arm that travels through blood vessels to an attached camera in your eye; images produced show whether there are any abnormal new blood vessels growing beneath your retina as well as detect bleeding in the eye.


Angiography is a medical imaging technique that allows physicians to visualize blood vessels with contrast. By performing an angiogram, doctors can detect areas of narrowing or blockages (stenosis or occlusions) within blood vessels, determine their severity, as well as pinpoint where these areas start and end.

An angiogram can help physicians detect age related macular degeneration and determine whether abnormal blood vessels have appeared beneath the retina, the light-sensitive membrane at the back of your eye. These abnormal vessels, known as choroidal neovascularization, could potentially lead to blindness. An angiogram allows them to determine which treatment option will provide maximum benefits in each situation.

Laser treatment may help wet AMD patients by targeting the blood vessels leaking blood into the macula and damaging its structure. This is an in-office procedure performed without pain that may preserve more overall vision than vitamin injections while decreasing the chance of permanent blind spots developing within their field of view. Unfortunately, laser treatments don’t always work and may lead to serious complications like infection, bleeding, sterile inflammation, retinal detachment.

Fluorescein angiography, an noninvasive test used to diagnose wet AMD, may now be recommended using modern technology. A yellow dye injected into an arm vein and photographed by special camera will highlight any new blood vessels developing under your retina that were undetected previously – enabling a doctor to compare this image against previous photos taken to assess any extent of neovascularization.

An angiogram can also help people living with vascular disease get an accurate assessment of any blockages or narrowing in an artery. After giving the patient a sedative, their physician uses a thin flexible tube inserted through an artery (usually in the groin) into which contrast material will be injected through an intravascular ultrasound probe or optical coherence tomography (OCT) imaging systems to better evaluate narrowing or blockage within blood vessels in that region of interest. A physician then takes x-ray images to get an angiogram as well as techniques such as intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) and OCT that help physicians better assess narrowing or blockage within blood vessels that interest them.

Photodynamic Therapy

Photodynamic Therapy, or PDT, is an innovative treatment option designed to repair sun damaged skin that could develop into cancer (pre-cancers). PDT involves using a photosensitizing drug applied directly to the skin in combination with light exposure; when combined, these ingredients work to destroy abnormal cells in the skin while the body’s natural healing processes replace them with new tissue; creating healthier and younger-looking skin in turn. PDT may also be used to treat conditions like actinic keratosis as well as shrink pores or oil glands associated with acne or rosacea cases.

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a prevalent eye condition, leading to gradual and painless vision loss in central areas. Affected areas include the macula – an area located within our retina that gives us sharp central vision – while wet AMD may cause bleeding and leakage of blood vessels within this same macula area, further decreasing vision loss; leaving untreated, this form can even cause blindness.

Macular degeneration cannot be treated completely, but certain therapies can slow its rate of vision loss or enhance quality of life for those living with it. Vitamin and mineral supplements such as beta-carotene, vitamins C and E and zinc have been suggested as possible solutions. According to some studies, those who took such supplements were less likely to develop wet AMD than those who didn’t.

Vereporfin photodynamic therapy, or PDT for short, is now available as a new way of treating wet AMD. PDT involves administering light-sensitive medicine injected under your arm that travels directly into your eye where a low-powered laser shines to activate and seal leaky blood vessels that lead to further vision loss. According to one study conducted using Vereporfin PDT treatments vs placebo treatments showed significantly less vision loss rates among participants treated using PDT treatments.

Research into macular degeneration treatments continues, including artificial retinas and methods of stimulating the retina to reduce blindness. While macular degeneration treatments may help, any central vision lost due to this disease cannot be restored despite their efforts; people living with it should monitor their sight regularly by looking at an Amsler grid chart of black lines arranged in grid patterns (Amsler grid).

About the Author:
Picture of Alexander Suprun

Alexander Suprun

Alex started his first web marketing campaign in 1997 and continues harvesting this fruitful field today. He helped many startups and well-established companies to grow to the next level by applying innovative inbound marketing strategies. For the past 26 years, Alex has served over a hundred clients worldwide in all aspects of digital marketing and communications. Additionally, Alex is an expert researcher in healthcare, vision, macular degeneration, natural therapy, and microcurrent devices. His passion lies in developing medical devices to combat various ailments, showcasing his commitment to innovation in healthcare.


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