ESCHENBACH Reading Glasses

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eschenbach reading glasses

ESCHENBACH Reading Glasses

Are you or your friends experiencing difficulty reading books, newspapers, computer screen print, labels on medicine bottles, train schedules, recipes or their mail? ESCHENBACH has developed a product to make these tasks as straightforward as possible – trust the quality and tradition of “Made in Germany”. These bifocals feature 2 separate lens powers: 3.0 Diopter at the top and 6.0 Diopter at the bottom.

Max Event

Over 100 years, Eschenbach has been creating magnifiers to assist low vision patients navigate the world with ease. Their product offerings typically include handheld magnifiers and electronic devices that offer assistance, however this year the company decided to go one step further by teaming up with a Connecticut nonprofit and giving one lucky patient their very own seeing eye dog as an aide!

The eschenbach Max Event glasses feature 2.1x magnification for hands-free viewing at distances from 3 meters (10 feet) up to infinity, making them suitable for sports events, concerts, theater performances, movies or bird-watching activities at distance.

These Eschenbach glasses feature a special mirrored coating designed to reduce sun glare. Their lenses come with color-matched frames and cases, and come equipped with two distinct lens powers: 3.0 diopter at the top and 6.0 diopter at the bottom; this makes them an excellent option for anyone needing both regular text reader glasses as well as higher powered prismatic reading glasses for fine print reading.


Have your friends been struggling to read books, newspapers, computer screen text, labels on medicine bottles, food ingredients on packages, train schedules, recipes or menus in restaurants or their mail? Eschenbach has developed an innovative product which will take away some of their effort: MAXDetail glasses!

This hands-free head mounted magnifying system features individual lenses which can be adjusted independently [+-3 diopters], making it easily customizable for most people. Featuring working distances up to 16 inches and focused near objects at working distances up to 14 inches, it is the ideal tool for near viewing activities that benefit from magnified images.

MaxDetail features a lightweight and contemporary design, making it suitable for many tasks and hobbies including model making, handicrafts, painting, jewelry making, soldering testing/inspection work as well as watchmakers. Its large visual field and comfortable working distance make it an excellent option for reading as well.

The clip-on MaxDetail product embodies many of the features associated with its popular counterpart: 2x magnification, hands-free design, large working distance and wide visual field. Specially created to accommodate spectacle wearers’ corrective lenses as they use these features, providing clear magnified images of tasks in front of them – even when not needed! When not necessary it can simply be flipped up when not needed leaving both hands free for other tasks at hand; additionally lens height options ensure optimal viewing conditions.


MiniFrame glasses feature a progressive reader with power gradually increasing by one full Diopter from top segment to bottom, providing ideal solutions for presbyopes who struggle to read books, newspapers, computer screen printouts, train schedules, recipes or mail. These hands-free reading glasses offer magnification and bright LED illumination allowing patients to easily complete near tasks without experiencing strain and fatigue due to higher-powered reading glasses – case included; lens color Gun Metal and frame color Black with 3.0 Diopter in Top Segment and 4.5 Diopter in Bottom segments respectively – perfect solutions! Case included; lens color Gun Metal with frame color Black frame colors 3.0 Diopter in Top Segment and 4.5 Diopter in Bottom Segments respectively for ultimate clarity when reading books, newspapers or computer screens or reading mail!


Stay comfortable while watching television at any distance with hands-free and head-mounted MaxTV glasses, featuring 2x magnification. Adjusting each eye lens independently enables these adaptable distance glasses to meet the viewing needs of most patients – perfect for movies, theatre, bird watching and sports events!

Eschenbach 2905-025 Mini-Frame Bifo Reading Glasses 3.0 and 6.0 Diopter Come with two lens powers, 3.0 at the Top and 6.0 At The Bottom; protective case included and Gun Metal Frame Color is featured.

The new ESCHENBACH MaxDetail magnifying spectacles for goldsmiths, artisans, model makers and other precision handicrafts allow you to work comfortably and accurately. The spectacle magnifier allows you to clearly view all critical details while improving work results sustainably. Whether an experienced craftsperson or newcomer – its ergonomic design provides excellent comfort with its high level of functionality ensuring optimal working results and results.

About the Author:
Picture of Alexander Suprun

Alexander Suprun

Alex started his first web marketing campaign in 1997 and continues harvesting this fruitful field today. He helped many startups and well-established companies to grow to the next level by applying innovative inbound marketing strategies. For the past 26 years, Alex has served over a hundred clients worldwide in all aspects of digital marketing and communications. Additionally, Alex is an expert researcher in healthcare, vision, macular degeneration, natural therapy, and microcurrent devices. His passion lies in developing medical devices to combat various ailments, showcasing his commitment to innovation in healthcare.


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