Age-Related Macular Degeneration Treatment

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Age-related macular degeneration is the leading cause of severe vision loss among those over 65. While no cure exists, medications may help slow its progress and thus limit further vision loss.

Macular degeneration that involves wet conditions has been shown to be treatable using new AREDS agents (Ascorbic Acid, Zinc, and Lucentis/Avastin). These medications prevent abnormal blood vessels from growing beneath the retina.

Treatment Options

Age-related macular degeneration is a progressive eye condition that gradually affects your central vision, making it hard to see straight lines, read, drive or recognize faces. While it does not impact peripheral (side) vision or lead to blindness, age-related macular degeneration is one of the leading causes of severe vision loss among people aged 60 and over; more women than men suffer from it and it tends to run in families; getting regular eye exams is key in order to detect it; Amsler grid tests often suffice in diagnosing it as this test provides reliable information regarding macular degeneration diagnosis.

Age related macular degeneration comes in two varieties – dry and wet. While dry AMD tends to be less severe and doesn’t lead to rapid vision loss, its counterpart, wet AMD (also called neovascular or exudative AMD), is caused by abnormal blood vessels growing beneath the retina that leak fluid underneath; leaving untreated this can result in rapid vision loss.

Wet AMD can be treated with injections of anti-VEGF medications to slow or stop abnormal blood vessel growth and reduce leakage, such as Eylea (aflibercept), Lucentis (ranibizumab) or Bevacizumab (Avastin). These eye drops must be administered directly into the eye in order to target leaky vessels under the retina – you may require more than 8 injections annually and their effect could last months or more.

Photodynamic therapy (PDT), using verteporfin as a light-sensitive drug, may also be effective. This treatment takes place in the office and begins with injecting verteporfin directly into your blood stream before having a non-burning low energy laser shine on the macula for 83 seconds so the drug interacts with light-sensitive retinal cells to prevent abnormal blood vessel growth.

Studies have also indicated that antioxidant vitamins C and E may help slow macular degeneration progression, while high dose supplements of lutein and zinc could provide additional support. Speak to your physician about any supplements or other lifestyle changes which might help in treating macular degeneration.

Laser Treatment

Wet macular degeneration (AMD) occurs when abnormal blood vessels grow and leak fluid beneath the retina, damaging light-sensing cells of the macula and leading to central vision loss. It’s extremely prevalent and one of the leading causes of legal blindness for people over 50, usually developing gradually but sometimes rapidly; symptoms typically include distortion or dark spots in your central vision as well as large areas of blurry or empty space, walking difficulties and difficulty with recognising faces as it progresses. This condition often progresses gradually with symptoms including distortions or dark spots becoming noticeable and difficulty walking or driving as well as difficulty recognizing faces when entering rooms where light sources exist in general causing difficulty when entering rooms filled with light sensing cells of maculae; thus leading to loss. This condition often develops gradually but suddenly for most cases with distortion occurring eventually leading to complete central vision loss over time as it progresses gradually with many people over 50 being legally blindness due to wet macular degeneration affecting light sensing cells in macula that damage light-sensing cells of macula itself resulting in severe central vision loss causing difficulty walking, driving and recognising faces in addition to difficulty walking driving recognizing faces among many cases as it progresses gradually or suddenly causing legal blindness due to legal blindness causing legal blindness affecting older adults who usually gradually developing gradually over time until sudden-usually occurring with suddenness usually developing gradually but sudden when legal blindness has already set in its progression becoming sudden; often slowly developing gradually before becoming sudden due to light sensing cells being damaged due to light sensing cells of macula or retina damage becoming impaired eventually damage occurring due to light sensing cells under retina damage from light sensing loss from light sensing cells on retina recognizing faces being lost in due to failing them due to legal blindness over 50 being affected. It becomes legal blindness due to sudden blindness for legal blindness being legal blindness due to legal blindness as early on onset gradually over 50 with legal blindness due to suddenness either gradually developing gradual or sudden due suddenness becoming legal blind due to suddenness by sudden blindness due to legal blindness develops due to legal blindness as it suddenly becoming legal blind due to macular degeneration in one that would develops as you eventually becoming legal blind due to sudden causes sudden. Sometimes develop gradually gradually or sudden and suddenly appearing suddenly due suddenly appearing suddenly becoming legal blindness caused suddenly developing slowly growing blindness due to suddenness occurring due. The common. Wet degeneration. Also causes difficulties walking, driving.

There are various treatments available to address wet macular degeneration, including medication and laser therapies. We can assist in selecting the most suitable solution.

Dry AMD typically develops slowly. At first, symptoms may not present themselves and no treatment may be required; however, if straight lines begin becoming wavy or there is a dark patch appearing in your field it is crucial that you visit an eye care professional immediately as this could indicate wet macular degeneration.

Laser photodynamic therapy may help slow progression of wet macular degeneration. With this procedure, your eye care provider uses eye drops to dilate (enlarge) your pupils before shining a special type of laser light through a tool called a slit lamp into each eye. The light activates Visudyne drug which passes through retinal blood vessels making them sensitive to light rays; then when exposed to laser, these vessels respond by closing down more quickly thus restricting growth.

The SMDS Study was undertaken to test whether argon laser photocoagulation could help prevent severe vision loss in eyes with wet age-related macular degeneration and an outer foveal choroidal neovascular membrane. Unfortunately, as planned, 60% of untreated and 25% of treated eyes progressed to severe vision loss after 18 months; nonetheless many who received this treatment managed to remain living independently and continue functioning successfully.

Intravitreal Injections

intravitreal medications are administered directly into the eye (intravitreal injections) to treat specific retinal conditions such as wet macular degeneration, retinal vein occlusions and diabetic macular edema. If necessary, medications that bind vascular endothelial growth factor can also be injected periodically depending on individual needs.

Macular degeneration begins when fat cells, known as drusen, accumulate. Pigment epithelial cells enter sleep mode and central vision is significantly decreased. Wet macular degeneration begins when new blood vessels form; as these blood vessels leak fluid beneath the retina resulting in macular edema which leads to severe vision loss. If these new vessels bleed or cause scarring they could eventually occlude completely requiring aggressive treatment options for macula occlusion.

Intravitreal injections are usually conducted in an outpatient clinic under sterile conditions. A local anaesthetic may be administered to numb the eye before topical antiseptic is applied topically for infection prevention. Next, medication is injected directly into the white part of the eye (sclera). The injection itself should be quick and painless – patients may feel some pressure immediately following injection; afterwards they will likely see a small bubble that dissipates after several hours.

As soon as the medication takes effect, injections begin. Your doctor will schedule monthly injections until he/she determines that treatment has had enough of an impact to meet his/her expectations, then gradually reduce them over time. Other forms of treatment such as verteporfin photodynamic therapy or vitreo-retinal surgery may be recommended if disease progression is too rapid or there are many bleedings under retina.

There have been multiple studies evaluating the efficacy of different doses and schedules of medication. One meta-analysis concluded that best corrected visual acuity (EVA) significantly improved with monthly rather than bimonthly anti-VEGF injections.


Macular degeneration affects the central part of the retina that provides sharp central vision. Over time, this can result in loss of central vision that hinders reading, driving or recognising faces; furthermore it may distort object shapes and even cause hallucinations – yet macular degeneration rarely leads to complete blindness – most people can still manage daily activities effectively enough.

Macular Degeneration (MD) is an eye condition in which light-sensing cells in the macula on the retina begin to deteriorate, often manifested through blurry or missing central vision. While MD may make reading, driving and seeing details difficult, its symptoms are typically manageable through lifestyle adjustments or supplementation such as diet or vitamin changes.

Age related macular degeneration (AMD) is a progressive condition that slowly worsens over time. Eventually it may lead to significant visual loss that negatively impacts quality of life and independence; fortunately though treatment can slow its progress or even restore some vision.

Age-related macular degeneration comes in two forms, dry and wet. Eighty-five to ninety percent of cases fall under the dry category, where deposits known as drusen slowly form behind the retina, leading to severe visual loss. Meanwhile, about 10-15 percent are classified as wet cases where abnormal blood vessels form underneath the retina that leak blood and fluid into the macula, leading to severe visual loss.

Photodynamic therapy (PDT), also known as photodyniast therapy (PDT), can be an effective laser treatment option to eliminate new abnormal blood vessels that form under the retina. To do this, injection of Visudyne is used into your arm, followed by activation with non-thermal laser beams which activate its effects – the drug then absorbs into abnormal blood vessels which are destroyed by laser light destroying their presence.

Anti-VEGF medications are an emerging treatment for wet macular degeneration that works by targeting a protein in the eye that promotes abnormal blood vessel growth. Avastin was the first such anti-VEGF drug approved in 2004 in the US; other investigational agents include Lucentis and Macugen. A more recently investigated bispecific antibody named faricimab that targets two distinct pathways is currently being evaluated as possible treatment of wet macular degeneration.

About the Author:
Picture of Alexander Suprun

Alexander Suprun

Alex started his first web marketing campaign in 1997 and continues harvesting this fruitful field today. He helped many startups and well-established companies to grow to the next level by applying innovative inbound marketing strategies. For the past 26 years, Alex has served over a hundred clients worldwide in all aspects of digital marketing and communications. Additionally, Alex is an expert researcher in healthcare, vision, macular degeneration, natural therapy, and microcurrent devices. His passion lies in developing medical devices to combat various ailments, showcasing his commitment to innovation in healthcare.


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