Connect 12 – Smarter, Smarter and More Connected Than Ever

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connect 12

Connect 12 is HumanWare’s smarter and more connected digital magnifier product yet, combining the benefits of their popular magnifiers with the versatility of an HD Android tablet to provide active seniors, students and professionals the power to take control of their lives at home or while traveling. Notable features of connect 12 include up to 24X HD live magnification; an easy user interface; and superior text-to-speech.

High-definition graphics

High resolution is a graphics mode on Connect 12 that enables images to be dynamically created from characters, bitmaps and/or sprites. The maximum image size supported is 320 horizontal by 200 vertical pixels; 16 colors can be chosen and stored as memory space in the 40 column text screen mapped from 0x400 through 0x7FF; also built-in commands exist to clear the screen, change drawing color settings or plot individual pixels or horizontal lines.

High Resolution’s pixel pattern resembles Low Resolution but with double the number of “on” pixels per Colorburst cycle; making double high four times faster than Low. Furthermore, two additional colors will appear if three consecutive on pixels go off-target instead of just one as is seen with low resolution.

Optical character recognition

OCR (optical character recognition) technology converts images of handwritten, typed or printed text into machine encoded text. It’s an invaluable aid for people with vision loss who cannot read or write, spelling and grammar difficulties as well as those who struggle with these subjects. With this app on your smart phone camera you can take pictures of documents or texts using OCR to convert into text that will then be read aloud allowing users to enjoy novels and magazines without reading them physically!

HumanWare Connect 12 combines the functionality and connectivity of a 12-inch tablet with HumanWare Prodigi software to offer desktop viewing at distance viewing distances up to 24x magnification in live HD mode. In addition, this device includes built-in camera functionality, online book access, study skills tools like highlighters and notes as well as three calculators and text-to-speech functionality. Furthermore, opening Android OS unlocks productivity tools like Google Suite or Microsoft 365 which add additional options.

Given that optical character recognition can be resource-intensive, running it as a background task is highly recommended to ensure faster Intella Connect launch times while limiting any adverse impacts to computer performance.


Text-to-speech (TTS) technology can be an invaluable asset for people living with disabilities. This feature enables computers to read digital text out loud; TTS technology is available on many electronic devices including computers and tablets, making it easily accessible for students with reading difficulties who want to improve their literacy skills.

Text-to-Speech allows students who use Text-to-Speech enabled questions and answer choices to see the “Speak” icon, which when clicked upon will read aloud their question while their answers can be played back at various rates and volumes. Students can also select sections of text they wish for it to be read aloud.

Implement text-to-speech functionality easily into EPGs using this user-friendly web interface. WaveNet voices offer one million characters of free transcription each month and support various deployment options tailored specifically to your needs.

About the Author:
Picture of Alexander Suprun

Alexander Suprun

Alex started his first web marketing campaign in 1997 and continues harvesting this fruitful field today. He helped many startups and well-established companies to grow to the next level by applying innovative inbound marketing strategies. For the past 26 years, Alex has served over a hundred clients worldwide in all aspects of digital marketing and communications. Additionally, Alex is an expert researcher in healthcare, vision, macular degeneration, natural therapy, and microcurrent devices. His passion lies in developing medical devices to combat various ailments, showcasing his commitment to innovation in healthcare.


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