Surgeries For Glaucoma

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The disease of glaucoma is brought on by an increase in ocular pressure. It is a dangerous condition that could cause blindness in a significant portion of those over 60. The increase in pressure prevents the fluid from your eye from draining. Your optic nerve will be damaged, which will impair your eyesight. For this condition, there are numerous treatments available. One of them is eye surgeries for glaucoma, but it is typically the final resort after all other options have failed.

Laser Glaucoma Surgery 

When it comes to treating glaucoma, many doctors most frequently turn to laser surgery. You have the option to receive laser surgery at a clinic or in your doctor’s office. It has the benefit of not requiring an overnight stay after the treatment. This indicates that after the surgery, you can safely return home and carry on with your life. 

To help drain fluid from your eyes, laser surgery uses a powerful light beam. There are various types of laser surgery. Which are: 


This occurs when your doctor directs a laser beam into an area of your eye. Its goal is to relieve ocular pressure. When other laser surgeries are ineffective, this is typically the last resort. 

Trabeculoplasty with an argon laser (ALT) 

ALT removes whatever is preventing fluid from flowing from your eyes. Although it is frequently used, this medication does not help everyone with glaucoma. 

Laser Peripheral Iridotomy (LPI) 

This laser beam aids in making a tiny hole in your iris. When there is little room between the iris of the eye, this is the best option. 

At this time, your doctor will only focus low-level laser beams on the areas of your eye that are under the most pressure. When ALT does not lower the pressure, it is the next choice. Most medical professionals favor using this as the initial laser glaucoma surgery option.

Incisional Glaucoma Surgery (Filtering Surgery) 

In this procedure, a little portion of the eye’s wall is removed using tiny devices. A tiny hole is made as a result, and the conjunctiva covers it (layer around the eye). Now that the opening is open, the fluid may be removed. Then, it will be reabsorbed into the blood. As a result, the eye pressure is decreased. Via a small incision, the doctor may occasionally insert a valve into the eye. 

Implants for Glaucoma  

Another alternative is to employ implants if the aforementioned strategies don’t work. The majority of the implant is placed outside the eye during surgery. The anterior chamber of the eye is carefully filled with a tiny tube or filament. The fluid drains into the region around the implant’s back end through the tube or along the filament. Here, the fluid gathers and is reabsorbed. This treatment is slightly riskier than regular trabeculoplasty and ought to only be carried out by medical professionals who are proficient in the procedure. 

Treatments typically last under an hour. From the moment of arrival until discharge, people having incisional operations may need anywhere between 4 and 8 hours. 

Most people will have less discomfort during surgery thanks to local anesthetic. With ALT and LPI, there can be some burning or stinging. Several people said the procedures caused them some minor discomfort. Compared to laser operations, incisional glaucoma surgeries typically result in greater postoperative discomfort.

EX-PRESS® Mini-Shunt 

In this technique, a steel surgical tube is used to keep the eye’s aqueous humor flowing continuously under the scleral flap. Compared to a standard trabeculectomy, this procedure creates a bleb, which has a better postoperative outcome. 

Ahmed Glaucoma Valve

In the majority of situations where trabeculectomy is ineffective, this is a common alternative. When you experience difficulties from prior eye surgery, this typically occurs.


A Trabectome is required for this surgical treatment. To relieve the pressure, this gadget makes a tiny cut in the drainage channels in your eye. The fluid buildup in your eye is released via the Trabectome device, which utilizes heat to mesh tissue in your eye.

Expectations after glaucoma laser surgery 

A prominent glaucoma therapy method that can help lower intraocular pressure (IOP) and stop additional optic nerve damage is laser surgery. Selective laser trabeculoplasty (SLT) and laser peripheral iridotomy are the two most popular methods of laser glaucoma surgery (LPI). Following each process, you can anticipate the following: 

Following SLT: For a few days following the operation, your eye may be mildly painful or irritated, but over-the-counter pain medications such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen can help. 

Before it starts to reduce your ocular pressure, it may briefly rise. This is typical and usually gets better in a few days. 

In order to monitor your IOP and evaluate whether extra treatments are required, your doctor could suggest subsequent consultations. 

Following LPI, you may notice mild blurred vision and light sensitivity for a few hours. Usually, these symptoms go away in a day. 

For the purpose of reducing inflammation and preventing infection, your doctor may prescribe eye drops. 

For at least a week following the surgery, you must refrain from engaging in any actions that can raise IOP, such as lifting heavy things or straining. 

In order to monitor your IOP and evaluate whether extra treatments are required, your doctor could suggest subsequent consultations. 

To guarantee a successful outcome and lower the chance of problems, it’s crucial to carefully adhere to your doctor’s post-operative recommendations. Contact your doctor right away if you feel any extreme pain, vision abnormalities, or other unsettling symptoms following laser surgery.

What to expect after other surgeries for glaucoma?

You’ll be given medication to calm you and numb your eye. There should be no discomfort. Throughout the procedure, you can feel extremely sleepy. 

You’ll recover at home for roughly a week following surgery. Your doctor might recommend specific guidelines or safety measures. Avoid getting water in your eyes. Your eye may be runny, itchy, or red. There can be a small bump where the incision was made as well. 

For around six weeks, your vision can be a little hazy. A lump or swelling may prevent contact lenses from fitting until it subsides. In around half of those who have this procedure, blood pressure drugs are no longer necessary. 

Risk factors

Following glaucoma surgery, cataract development may be increased. Other dangers include: 

  • Eye discomfort or redness 
  • Eye pressure is still too high or low 
  • Absence of vision 
  • Infection\sInflammation 
  • Bleeding from the eye 

If you’ve already lost vision, it cannot be recovered with glaucoma surgery. In the future, if the pressure rises once more, you could need to take medication or have another surgery. To make sure everything is okay, have frequent eye exams.

Risks vs Benefits – Surgeries For Glaucoma

Glaucoma surgery has dangers, just like any other procedure. This page addresses several dangers so you can communicate openly with your ophthalmologist (ophthalmologist). It’s crucial to remember, though, that surgery has a very high success record in significantly delaying glaucoma progression. Generally speaking, the advantages of surgical intervention for cases of advanced glaucoma exceed the disadvantages. You should talk with your doctor about the following (rare) risks or adverse effects of glaucoma surgery: 

  • Loss of vision 
  • Irritation of the eye 
  • Infection 
  • Ocular pressure is low (or hypotony) 
  • Scarring 
  • Cataract development 

Following, we go over each danger and explain why we think the advantages outweigh the risks. 

Loss of vision

Following the procedure, glaucoma surgery temporarily impairs your vision. While vision loss is rarely a frequent long-term adverse effect, it is crucial to recognize that permanent eyesight can be lost entirely or decreased as a result of any of these glaucoma operations. It is therefore more likely that surgery will enhance your vision over time. 


Even with the greatest surgical methods, problems can still happen during any of these operations. Infection, bleeding inside the eye, and areas of fluid behind the retina due to extremely low ocular pressures are uncommon or pretty rare consequences. If you are taking blood thinners, talk to your ophthalmologist before surgery about whether to continue taking it or stop because hemorrhaging inside the eye can be a serious consequence. 


Before, during, and after the procedure, eye specialists administer antibiotics and practice strict sterile procedures in an effort to prevent infection. An infection inside the eye, which can be quite dangerous and jeopardize eyesight, it can, however, very rarely happen. After the operation, these infections may develop weeks, months, or even years later. In order to cure infection before it worsens, even years after the operation, you should see your ophthalmologist right away if you experience early symptoms of infection like redness, pain, or excessive tearing. Most infections can be effectively treated with antibiotic drops if they are caught early. 

Too Low of Eye Pressure

Hypotony, commonly known as abnormally low ocular pressure, can occasionally result from surgery. This happens more frequently right after surgery. When you have hypotony, fluid may gather behind your retina (choroidal detachment), which might impair your side or peripheral vision. Generally, this only lasts a short time until the pressure recovers to the desired levels. Yet occasionally, hypotony lingers, necessitating surgery to address the issue. 


The healing and or scarring tendencies of the eye may cause these glaucoma procedures to fail over time, which is more frequent than eye pressure that is too low, leading to ocular pressures that are greater than anticipated. In other cases, the scarring is so severe that the surgery may not be successful in lowering your pressure, and you may need to restart your glaucoma meds, have changes made in the clinic, or have another procedure. 

Surgery for glaucoma is likely to hasten the development of cataracts, but fortunately, cataracts are relatively simple to remove surgically. In cases when your ophthalmologist believes that your cataracts are having a moderate to a major influence on your eyesight, glaucoma procedures may also be performed with cataract surgeries. Nonetheless, in some cases of glaucoma surgery, it is preferable to focus only on glaucoma and treat the cataract during a subsequent procedure. 

Newer, safer techniques are on the horizon, including MIGS (minimally invasive glaucoma surgery), which is typically done in conjunction with cataract surgery to reduce ocular pressure to the mid-teens range. The safety profile of these operations is typically higher than that of the more conventional glaucoma surgeries mentioned above. A more moderate reduction in eye pressure, however, balances out this improved safety profile. Thus, for people with early- to moderate-stage glaucoma, these procedures are typically paired with cataract surgery. The MIGS procedures are less likely to produce the required low ocular pressures in patients with advanced glaucoma.

Surgeries For Glaucoma: Conclusion 

The damage already caused by glaucoma is regarded as irreversible and is not yet reversible by medication or surgery. However, glaucoma surgery can stop further vision loss and, in rare cases, even enhance vision. While it’s vital to be aware of the risks mentioned above, many of which are quite rare, it’s equally critical to note that the majority of glaucoma procedures are effective at reducing eye pressure and slowing the progression of glaucoma. In order to avoid unnecessary treatment delays, we encourage working with your ophthalmologist to investigate options when the time is opportune.

FAQs for Surgeries For Glaucoma

What glaucoma procedure has the highest rate of success? 

A procedure called trabeculectomy lowers eye pressure better than eye drops in those with advanced glaucoma. 

What glaucoma surgery is the safest? 

Generally speaking, trabecular meshwork/canal-based Schlemm’s treatments are among the safest MIGS, with most problems being self-limited and non-vision-threatening.  

Is Glaucoma Surgery painful?

The majority of patients who have glaucoma surgery don’t feel much pain. If you experience eye pain, you should speak with your doctor about the best ways to manage it.

The maximum age for glaucoma surgery? 

There is no upper age limit for glaucoma surgery, which is excellent news if you’re worried you might be too old.

What is the recovery time for glaucoma surgery?

For a complete recovery, allow yourself roughly a month. Faster healing times last for roughly three weeks. but a more complicated recovery could take up to 6 weeks.

About the Author:
Picture of Dr. Shaun Larsen

Dr. Shaun Larsen

Dr. Shaun Larsen is an optometrist who specializes in low vision services and enhancing vision with contact lenses. He has a passion for making people's lives better by helping them see well enough to read, write, or drive again. He always keeps up with the latest technology so he can help people regain their independence.


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